Events calendar

September 2024

Latest news

Spettacolo Festa 2024

Saturday 23rd & Sunday 24th November

The Spettacolo Festa is AROCA Victoria's major annual festival event.

The Spettacolo Festa comprises three separate events:

Spettacolo Concorso: judged on Saturday 23rd November

Spettacolo Dinner: on Saturday evening, 23rd November

Spettacolo Show & Shine: on Sunday 24th November @ Wesley College Glen Waverley

Updated Tuesday, 3 September 2024

The Alfa Romeo Owners’ Club of Australia was recently recognised by Stellantis’ Museo Storico Alfa Romeo, now called Museo Alfa Romeo - La macchina del tempo (the Alfa Romeo museum), in Arese Italy, by the inclusion of an AROCA Club Plaque in the Club Corner of the Museum. The AROCA plaque now hangs among a large and international collection of Alfa Romeo Club plaques in the museum.

At left is an image of the AROCA plaque prepared and provided to the museum by AROCA Victoria.


Updated Thursday, 18 July 2024

Bookings are open for Alfesta 2025

To be held from 3rd to 7th April in Hahndorf South Australia.

Alfesta 2025 is being hosted by AROCA South Australia.

Details are here: 


Updated Thursday, 11 July 2024

President's Message


As we move into Spring with a few days of Summer followed by few days of Winter, the Club committee and volunteers are now in the final stages of organising the Alfa Club 10HR at Winton and the Spettacolo Concorso, Dinner and Show & Shine. These are all great events for the Alfa enthusiast.

It is with much sadness that I note the passing of our Club Permit Scheme Officer, Ivan Ciardullo. Ivan's contribution to the Club over the past decade has been large, and it has been very greatly appreciated by all – especially those with cars on the Club Permit Scheme. 

The Membership Officer, Bruce Baum, together with our VP, Bruno Colautti, and Sebastian Mauceri are working together to ensure that this important member service continues.

October Club Night will be held on Wednesday 9th at the Veneto Club in Bulleen starting at 8:00pm. A Register Captains Meeting will be held prior to Club Night, commencing at 6:30pm. Also in October we are hosting another Alfa Club Winton 10HR: while this is a competition event, members are encouraged and welcome to attend to support the Club's Competition Team. Mid-month is the Alfisti Spring Tour

After last year's successes, we have continued with our regular new member breakfasts at Brunetti Classico (please note: the Breakfast scheduled for 6th October has been postponed, due to a clash with the Italian Festa), the Alfa Romeo vs Fiat Clubs' Bocce Challenge – well done team – competition, and Sunday Drives. We also have the Winton 10HR Social Dinner and Spettacolo Dinner just around the corner. Then in December, we will hold the annual Family Xmas BBQ, for kids of all ages, at the Diamond Valley Miniature Railway. December Club Night will include supper and drinks for members.

This year's Competition events have been well attended, with members volunteering for training and assisting to make these events a continuing success. The parade laps are always popular - with a strong attendance by a range of classic and modern Alfa Romeos, together in a controlled environment.


I note that as we move forward towards the end of 2024, we still have a lot of enthusiasm within the Club, demonstrated by our Committee, the many volunteers and members alike. Thank you.

In November the 105 Register will be holding a Mid-week Drive and we also have our premium annual event, the Spettacolo Festa: which includes Spettacolo Concorso, Spettacolo Dinner and the Spettacolo Show & Shine. These are all great events for true Alfisti and Alfa enthusiasts.

In December we will again hold our traditional annual Family Xmas BBQ - for kids of all ages. The December Club Night will include supper and drinks for Club Night attendees.



Check the calendar on the Club's website for new and updated events. You will also find information on Club events on the Club's Facebook page, and in the Club's quarterly magazine Cross + Serpent.


Stay safe & well, 

John Hanslow

President, AROCA Victoria

October 2024

About our club

The Alfa Romeo Owners' Club of Australia (AROCA) is a vibrant club, supporting Alfa Romeo owners & enthusiasts. AROCA (Victoria Division) was formed in Melbourne in August 1969.

Coming events

Monday, 30 September 2024 – Sunday, 6 October 2024
School Hols - Vic

Saturday, 5 October 2024 – Sunday, 6 October 2024
Melbourne Italian Festa 2024

Wednesday, 9 October 2024
AROCA Victoria - Club Night

Friday, 11 October 2024 – Sunday, 13 October 2024
Alfa Club 10 Hour Relay - Winton

Tuesday, 15 October 2024 – Wednesday, 23 October 2024
Alfisti Spring Tour 2024

Wednesday, 23 October 2024
AROCA Committee meeting

Saturday, 26 October 2024
AOMC Club & Trade Showcase

Our sponsors and supporters

Support those who support us.

Alfa Romeo Owners' Club of Australia (Victoria Division) Incorporated
PO Box 216 Camberwell VIC 3124
ACN A0018615V | ABN 85 862 959 314
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