Alfa GTV6 Sunroof handles

Started by pancho, February 18, 2013, 05:06:00 PM

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I recently received a small amount of handles and surrounds.

One thing I noticed is that there is two types of handles - OEM and also two colours.

Now I am no expert in GTV6 sunroofs, but did the handles come in different colours or just the creamy coloured type ?

I am thinking by the uniformed colour the handle shown has that it's definitely possible that there was a brown headligning and handle setup.

Your thoughts ?


+1 for the creamy coloured handle here pancho.

I vaguely remember seeing a white handle on what may have been a grand prix at spectacilo but I could be VERY wrong ???


John A Pucak

The top  handle in the  top photo is from a 85 GTV. I just went into the garage and checked it out on my Alfetta


So perhaps the top one (with a lip on the end) is later 85/86.

The flat is models prior.

I've sold a handful of these to Aussie buyers, so if it was looking pretty new it might have been a nos one I sold. If the rails aren't lubricated and kept clean the pressure exerted on the handle is too much and it will crack the surround. Lubricate your sunroof mechanisms! :)

The mystery now is the brown one.

alfa duk

 Im with John about the top handle in shape but mine was the off white in colour. I thought that it was probably originally white then with age changed colour. The brown i am thinking could be a US only component, they had leather interiors, maybe it was to match?
85 gtv6 dead, cant let go
84 gtv6 24 valve VRA spec
84 gtv6 andalusia
80 gtv group s


Hi Pancho

I know this is an old thread but you wouldn't happen to have any stock left?

Anyone who may have purchased surround and handle looking to sell? or anyone with a good second hand that is surplus and looking to sell I would be greatly appreciated.
