Autodelta anniversary video

Started by Evan Bottcher, March 01, 2013, 11:00:09 PM

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Evan Bottcher

(via Veloce Racing mailing list)

From some angles Carlo Chiti reminds me of Elliot Goblet :-/
Newest to oldest:
'13 Alfa Mito QV
'77 Alfasud Ti
'74 Alfasud Sedan
'68 1750 GTV
--> Slow and Fun - my Alfa journal

Evan Bottcher

And if you've missed it (and can read some Italiano):
Newest to oldest:
'13 Alfa Mito QV
'77 Alfasud Ti
'74 Alfasud Sedan
'68 1750 GTV
--> Slow and Fun - my Alfa journal

Neil Choi

Chrome or whatever browser I am using did a translation.

Also the Alfa Club Milan website looks pretty nice.

Evan, why can't you whip up this Vic site like ARC that.

Evan Bottcher

Ah yes.  Only in Italy.
Newest to oldest:
'13 Alfa Mito QV
'77 Alfasud Ti
'74 Alfasud Sedan
'68 1750 GTV
--> Slow and Fun - my Alfa journal

vin sharp

Now an I.T. type person could download this and the fantastic '100 anni di alfa romeo' that links to it, and could play them for all at a monthy club night.......

Evan Bottcher

Quote from: vin sharp on March 02, 2013, 11:22:35 AM
Now an I.T. type person could download this and the fantastic '100 anni di alfa romeo' that links to it, and could play them for all at a monthy club night.......

And also the footage of the GTAs racing at Jarama...
Newest to oldest:
'13 Alfa Mito QV
'77 Alfasud Ti
'74 Alfasud Sedan
'68 1750 GTV
--> Slow and Fun - my Alfa journal

Neil Choi

Quote from: Evan Bottcher on March 02, 2013, 12:23:41 PM
Quote from: vin sharp on March 02, 2013, 11:22:35 AM
Now an I.T. type person could download this and the fantastic '100 anni di alfa romeo' that links to it, and could play them for all at a monthy club night.......

And also the footage of the GTAs racing at Jarama...

Done.  But not an IT person.