New ad campaign

Started by poohbah, June 25, 2013, 08:19:33 PM

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I'll let nate answer that one ...
Now:    2002 156 GTA
            1981 GTV
Before: 1999 156 V6 Q-auto
            2001 156 V6 (sadly cremated)


Col, I could tell you but I would get booted off the forum. You will have to wait until I see you next.


ahm Col, possibly best you don't ask. I suspect you really wouldn't want to know, and don't ask me how I do !!!! ;D  I have to admit though as to not knowing what a WAG is ?? 

As to the reference to Ricky Ponting deodorant ads, hmn well yes possibly so, they would be somewhat dated now.  I think I would hate to be an Ad man, as trying to come up with a new angle to market something (thats what ads are about, making us want to buy stuff, you possibly don't even need), it perhaps can be a tough gig.  The problem as I see it, is that Alfa have in the past done the fast car stuff driving down windy roads etc or that you were pretty cool to drive an Alfa (who recalls the GTV or GT ads ?), so perhaps this latest effort is to try to market Alfas to a different ownership audience. Those with money, single or at least not married with kids etc and yet wanting to be seen as a little different to the normal car buying public.

I still am ok with the ads so far......
2003 JTS 156 sportwagon
1969 Giulia sedan (x2)
1969 AC Fiat 124 sport

Past: '76 Alfetta 1.8 GT 
        '76 Alfetta 1.8 Sedan
        ' 73 2L Berlina

Evan Bottcher

Newest to oldest:
'13 Alfa Mito QV
'77 Alfasud Ti
'74 Alfasud Sedan
'68 1750 GTV
--> Slow and Fun - my Alfa journal


I fear that the skivvie-wearing "genius" responsible for these ads has basically made it impossible socially for any bloke under the age of 60 to buy a giulietta.  It is squarely being pitched as a girl's car.  Which may be a bit of a risk for a marque which relies on its performance pedigree.
I don't know that pitching it as the 18th birthday gift of Choice for the daughters of Toorak doctors is good commercial sense.
Now:    2002 156 GTA
            1981 GTV
Before: 1999 156 V6 Q-auto
            2001 156 V6 (sadly cremated)


I hate it. However, I'm so glad the name is "Richard". Someone needs to splice in a some footage of the slug (or the silver fern 75 or the old monty) at about the 22 second mark in time for the aroca qld xmas party.... ;D

Gary Pearce

Difficult to know the target audience, but I susspect that car sales to anyone 18 to 80 would be desirable.
I think Poobear needs to take a tablet.
I like the add, it is making people talk about the product and reports are they are moving Giuliettas.
1966 Giulia GTC
1967 Giulia Sprint GT Veloce
1974 Metalic Green Montreal
1966 Giulia Super Blue
1980 Mazda B1800
1989 MX5
2013 MB C250 Coupe


the new Nissan SSS ad has a guy plus wife, hooning through suburbia, towards hospita,l in practice baby on-the-way run. Dont see why we cant show an Alfa doing its thing, looking and sounding better as well.


Because the thought police and the 'speed kills' Nannies will have a field day and have the add taken off, people are telling me about the new Alfa add on the teeve, so the word must be getting out, Colin.
1974 VW Passat [ist car] 1984 Alfa 33TI [daily driver] 2002 Alfa 156 JTS [daily driver]


Yes agree, and sad to say but ads re Alfas yet alone plenty of other cars speeding around the streets is so old school. Its been done to death.  There is nothing new in this and I suspect largely appeals to relatively few.

I agree with the principal therefore that for Alfa to have an edge they need a different strategy. The current ad strategy is trying to establish that to own an Alfa means you are different to the normal car buying public, buying the usual dross.  What actually is wrong with this, regardless of the actual target age audience.

Lets face it, people in their 20s for the most part can't afford new Alfas, nothings changed there. I too couldn't afford a new Alfa when I was in my 20s.  Ditto, those of us in our late middle ages crave the memories of the old cars, and we can afford these but are we going to  buy new Alfas, perhaps but equally perhaps not. 

The people marketing Alfas are targetting a different audience to us Alfisti.  They are going after young singles  etc in their 30s or early 40s who wish to be a little different but have the means and lack of responsibilities such that they can afford a new car. What is wrong with this, for it means a whole new generation of Alfas will be available to us all in a few years but at an affordable price. Such people for the most part are not likely to wish to be a part of AROCA or even have little idea about Alfa's history. 

To therefore market new Alfas trading on past glories to them is going to mean little.  Hence this equates to few sales.  So no, they do need to market them differently to how we might think, hopefully it will be successful.

2003 JTS 156 sportwagon
1969 Giulia sedan (x2)
1969 AC Fiat 124 sport

Past: '76 Alfetta 1.8 GT 
        '76 Alfetta 1.8 Sedan
        ' 73 2L Berlina


Its such a profound statement people only need to put it in their sales blurb now! Love a good piss-take.


While the ads themselves might be a little naff, surely the tagline itself is brilliant?


Quote from: SudSub on July 25, 2013, 03:19:03 PM
While the ads themselves might be a little naff, surely the tagline itself is brilliant?

Dunno about brilliant. Apparently VW had it first.


If you take a step back to get a wider 'perspective' you can see the new adverts are really no different to what has gone before.  Well before.

Alfa ads have never really concentrated on fast driving.  Adverts have strived to plug the Alfa STYLE, and the ads themselves have had a level of style and sophistication.

Hardly the first time Alfa has used beautiful women, not many getting their hands dirty.

Though this one is slightly wierd.............

Paul B

'79 GTV - Loyal 1st love
'76 GT - Track entry
'89 75TS - Saved
'76 Alfetta - Sacrificed
'83 GTV6 - NT bullet
'67 Duetto - Fun
'66 Super - Endearing
'92 164 - Stunning
'85 90 - Odd
'04 GT 3.2 Rosso/Tan - Glorious
'02 156 V6 Auto Rosso/Tan - Useful daily


Paul, you are right, that is scary. I don't know what the guy at the advertising agency was on when he came up with that.