
Started by Victor Lee, August 16, 2013, 03:08:01 PM

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Barry Edmunds

If we motorists who are at the mercy of stupid and out of touch with reality politicians and like minded bureaucrats don't get properly organised then these same politicians and bureaucrats will continue to get away with their campaign based largely on crass stupidity and false messages.
For starters, how about doing something about those misleading signs on the freeways POLICE ENFORCING SPEED. Does this really mean that the police actually want road users to speed? Obviously this is one that slipped by Whispering Ken Lay, our erstwhile Chief Commissioner.
And all the time I was under the impression that speed is the biggest killer on the roads, at least that is what CC Ken Lay keeps saying at every opportunity.
Anyone game to suggest when the penny will drop and someone in authority will actually admit that totally inadequate driver training and driver attitude are factors in the road toll. As Jeremy Clarkson has said "It is not speed that kills, it is the sudden stop when the vehicle slams into a tree that causes death.
Victor, Be careful using that fuel, it has been known to affect fuel injection systems.