Kate Ceberano - Alfa Driver

Started by colcol, September 28, 2013, 06:52:22 PM

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In todays AGE, the motoring liftout guide, DRIVE, in the 'stars and their cars', Kate Ceberano talks about her first car that was a Spider.
"What was your first car?", " You are going to think me really ostentatious, but i had a 1978 Alfa Romeo Spider. It was a soft top silver bullet of a car with beautiful latches on the doors, a really sexy vehicle. 'Brave' had just gone triple platinum and we were touring all around the country and i felt just like this larger than life character. It was real 'La Dolce Vita' sort of stuff and i went, thats it!, i am getting a Italian sports car".
"What happened to it in the end?", "it went the way of a lot of my cars, which is when i need to invest in my next project, i let them go, i was moving overseas and i sold it for a song, i am pretty certain that i gave that car away".
"Any other classics in your automotive resume?", "I did have a beautiful vintage FC Holden in Bondi, which was immaculate, which i similarly gave away to go and live in LA, as you do".
"What are you driving now?", "A Mini Cooper, i am particularly in love with it. No one is paying me to say that. I've had car sponsorships before, but although they can give you a car, they can also take it away. I cannot bear that power over me. I rejected the ambassordorship from one company because they kept changing my cars. One day i would be sexy and sporty and the next day i would be mumsy and kind of travelling around in a truck. So i got myself a Mini and that was a cure all'
Kate Ceberano a Alfa Driver, just another reason to like her a bit more, Colin.
1974 VW Passat [ist car] 1984 Alfa 33TI [daily driver] 2002 Alfa 156 JTS [daily driver]