Terrible news!

Started by Quattroporte, February 15, 2014, 11:59:26 PM

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This morning I parked as normal and went to work. Once returning to my car it had been hit quite severely by another car on the rear door and mud guard and the impact had forced the car into the curb causing both rear wheels, particularly the passenger side to tilt. Whoever it was did not leave a note, but luckily a witness did! Skipping boring details of me logging an official police report and talking to insurance, the tow driver was able to drive the car both in drive and reverse and manouver it enough onto the back of the truck. When he did both rear wheels levelled out a bit. He also noted that only one of the main rear suspenion arms was bent, but not the other. He reckons there's $5000 - $6000 damage. The car is issued for $12,000. I was wondering whether based on what I've just said, will insurance write it off? I sincerely hope not!