Oh noes! 147 GTA up in flames

Started by Evan Bottcher, March 04, 2014, 10:07:22 PM

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sad indeed. Makes driving my 2003 147 a bit more exciting I spose?


That is what is referred to in the car industry as a 'Thermal Incident'

Quite ironic as I heard of a another case recently involving an 2005 Alfa GT Selespeed.
The girl who works behind the bar at our local pub near work had it happen to her.
We always talked about Alfas and one day I noticed her GT was absent and said sarcastically Where's the Gt ? Let me guess, Selespeed shit it self? And her response was no better than that ! Guess again?
Apparently she was driving down the Western Hwy and lost power, noticed smoke coming from the
engine bay and up it went. Thankfully she and her occupants managed to escape with no injuries like the case above.

Makes you wonder though there's been a couple of these cases reported now, there was one in a Sydney tunnel a few years back, maybe an investigation through Alfa is in order
Pics below
'74 GT 1600 Junior  (Currently under restoration)
'84 Alfetta GCL Sedan
'02 Vespa ET4 150
'05 GT 3.2
'82 Fiat 131 Superbrava Mk II
'82 Alfetta GTV 2.0
'88 75 Twinspark
'80 Alfetta Sedan
'02 147 Twinspark


More pics
'74 GT 1600 Junior  (Currently under restoration)
'84 Alfetta GCL Sedan
'02 Vespa ET4 150
'05 GT 3.2
'82 Fiat 131 Superbrava Mk II
'82 Alfetta GTV 2.0
'88 75 Twinspark
'80 Alfetta Sedan
'02 147 Twinspark


Back in the olden days, shortly after the invention of electricity, uncle col got his licence, insurance companies used to offer 2.5 % discount if you carried an approved fire extinguisher, i still do, never had a fire in my car, but have put out other cars, and the owners, not the insurance companies have payed me for a new extinguisher, if you go for insurance, insurance companies always ask you have you ever made a claim......for a burnt out car, can imagine some frustrated selespeed owners have though about torching their cars at some point, Colin.
1974 VW Passat [ist car] 1984 Alfa 33TI [daily driver] 2002 Alfa 156 JTS [daily driver]


Not a nice experience I'm sure.

However, on a lighter note, it was suggested to me by a family member that this (Alfa's bursting into flames) is simply proof that even modern alfas are prone to oxidation....