Fusebox relocation in late 105 GT

Started by McAnnik, June 05, 2014, 09:35:00 PM

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 O.K. I've got to the stage of reassembly of interior bits on my Junior after W/screen and bits are installed. This includes the refurbished dash panel ( restored by me, previously explained in prior essays). An interesting problem cropped up and got me thinking about easier access to the fusebox ( interior mounted on the later 105 GT's). While the dash was out it was easy to fiddle the wiring into more convenient positions so to make easy the re install of the dash and the fitting of a couple of extras,you know, long range lights, tom tom, hardwire the Vhf, CB, Sirius XM sattelite, plus SW and general Internet communications systems.and even Foxtel, and now I can even put money in my pocket and not go near an ATM!!! Will it ever end??  And, what did I find?       With the Dash back in place, it was almost impossible to see the fusebox let alone put fuses in it! Solution?    Relocate!   There is plenty of room to move it back (being, back to the driver...) and mount it on a new horizontal piece of thin ply or similar non conductive material, enough to allow easy access. Easy to jiggle the wiring into a more less stressed position and screw into place. You may never have to replace a fuse in your whole lifetime of owning your car but, one day, the RACV man will love you for it.....