Seat height in a 932 Spider

Started by Robert Davenport, July 04, 2014, 06:25:56 PM

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Robert Davenport

Can anyone advise whether the spacers under the seat frame on a 932 Spider can be removed to provide extra headroom or would this stop the slide operation of the seat.   Thank you


If they are the same type of plastic spacers fitted to Alfa Romeo's over the years, then yes they can be removed, they are about 10mm thick?
If you decide to do the job yourself, just use a 6mm allen key, to undo the cap screws, however if yours have airbags fitted to the seat, take off one of the battery leads, to isolate the airbag, in case it might go off or registers a airbag fault, which means a trip to an Alfa Romeo Service provider.
Remove the cap screws and take out the spacers and depending on how much lower the seat sits, go and buy some shorter unbreako or other good quality cap screws, so they don't stick out under the car, because you will bark your head on it and remove serious bits of flesh and or it will sit under the car and get hit by speed bumps and things sticking up out of the ground and this will burr up the end of the cap screw, making it them very hard to remove.
Use a quality brand of cap screw, as in an accident, you don't want no brand cap screws breaking and sendin your seat a flyin, Colin.
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