Wiper foot switch

Started by alfagtv100 (Biggus), July 06, 2014, 07:14:44 PM

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alfagtv100 (Biggus)

Hi folks,
The wiper foot switch on my 1750 GTV has stopped working after only 43 years of service.
I cannot see an obvious way of dismantling it to attempt a hamfisted repair.
Can anyone advise how I might be able to get it apart please?
I have substituted the washer pump with a separate electrical pump, so it's only the wiper function I need.

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Marco Leoncelli
2017 Giulia. Yeah, baby.
1971 1750 GTV Coupe Series II
Past: 2008 159 Ti V6 3.2, RenaultSport Clio 182 (smuf blue).

alfagtv100 (Biggus)

Or do I just pay the $137 to Classic Alfa?  :-P

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Marco Leoncelli
2017 Giulia. Yeah, baby.
1971 1750 GTV Coupe Series II
Past: 2008 159 Ti V6 3.2, RenaultSport Clio 182 (smuf blue).


Mate it's just a rolling switch. Heaps of other makes of cars had them in the day. If you need to be original that's one thing but if you want a switch to do the job there are all sort of switches that will do the same job from industrial applications to FC Holdens.

For $137 you should able to buy around 3 dozen of 'em. ;D

Try the classic wreckers for a start.
Transaxle Alfas Haul More Arse.

Current Fleet
Alfetta GTV6 3.0
Alfetta GTV Twin Spark supercharged racer
75 1.8L supercharged racer

Past Fleet
Alfa GT 3.2V6
Alfetta GTV 2.0
Giulia Super 2.0
Berlina 2.0

alfagtv100 (Biggus)

Thanks for the tip MD.

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Marco Leoncelli
2017 Giulia. Yeah, baby.
1971 1750 GTV Coupe Series II
Past: 2008 159 Ti V6 3.2, RenaultSport Clio 182 (smuf blue).