Wanted: 937 GT Wheel Bolt

Started by Beatle, April 06, 2015, 07:56:12 PM

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Need a single bolt for a 937-series GT.

Mine are all 17mm AF with a dimple in the top of the head, except for one odd 19mm with a full dome head.

Paul B

'79 GTV - Loyal 1st love
'76 GT - Track entry
'89 75TS - Saved
'76 Alfetta - Sacrificed
'83 GTV6 - NT bullet
'67 Duetto - Fun
'66 Super - Endearing
'92 164 - Stunning
'85 90 - Odd
'04 GT 3.2 Rosso/Tan - Glorious
'02 156 V6 Auto Rosso/Tan - Useful daily