1986 GTV6 Grand Prix Edition

Started by Fadouli, July 13, 2015, 08:17:54 PM

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Hi guys, my father owns a 1986 GTV6 Grand Prix Edition and the shocks are quite worn.. Need some help choosing the correct ones to buy and where to get them! Any help would be greatly appreciated.


when i had a Gp GTV installed yellow koni, awesome handling but stiff,heard the red ones are softer, ur alfa specialist will surely install them. regards
forza lazio,viva l'alfa

Current Alfa=

Giulietta 2015 QV manual Ghiaccio

1974 Spider series 2 ,carabinieri blu

Previous Alfas=

33x4 1985 wagon
33 ti 1985
156 sportswagon manual red
Alfetta sportiva 1981 red
166 silver 1999


The choice depends on the type of driving style you have or intend to have.

Boge is the original equipment brand and will provide the original handling characteristics.

After market brands like Koni and Bilstein provide different ride characteristics . The Bisltein being a gas damper does not foam up like oil filled dampers such as Koni under extended hard work which translates into better bound and rebound dampening under such conditions. The downside to this is that the valve settings on Bisteins provide a slightly more harsh ride at low (read city traffic) conditions and therefore the Konis do a better job in this regard.

You need to work out how you want to work this car and then chose a damper that will match that preference.

I use Bilsteins in my GTV6 and specifically valve matched Bislteins in my race car that are matched to the spring rates to the  suspension.

Having said that I have used Koni reds in a 105 Berlina that worked very well and also used specially valved Koni yellow in a previous transaxle race car.
Transaxle Alfas Haul More Arse.

Current Fleet
Alfetta GTV6 3.0
Alfetta GTV Twin Spark supercharged racer
75 1.8L supercharged racer

Past Fleet
Alfa GT 3.2V6
Alfetta GTV 2.0
Giulia Super 2.0
Berlina 2.0