Ormiston house concours pics

Started by cc, September 27, 2015, 11:35:29 PM

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A few images from the day. Apologies for the low pixel count.
Arrived in the 156 about 45 minutes after the start to see a white 4C leaving.Very specce.
Was pointed to park under some shady ancient and v large avocado and mango trees on the south side of the property which would have been a part of the house orchard for Ormiston house. The builder of which built the first sugar mill in Qld.
He was a built of a builder starting with a slab hut out the back. When he was sued however for not processing a clients cane quickly at his new mill. He got the pip after losing the court case and 9 years later walked down the rear lawn onto a ship in Moreton bay and went back to the mother country.

There were 2 other Alfa's in the orchard a white V6 156 (with a 'sex in the city" cosmetic in the centre console!) and a red! 105 series.
Moved by the funny instinct amongst car enthusiasts to park their car amongst similar cars i was hoping to perch the car with the rest of the flock however.
The aged gentlemen of Rotary was followed and i turned right into the shade under the trees.

Pics 1 -3 are a panorama looking east onto Moreton bay.


Pics 4 -4b. A pair of Guila's. 4b has an interesting overflow tank made from a lunch box? and an unusual narrow battery and a v nice alloy header tank?

Pics 5 - 5b A Sprint in excellent  condition with < 100,000km. The owners of this gem were quietly spoken New Zealanders who have a similar sprint in NZ. Which doesnt have the ADR anti pollution gear or the after market air con. The pic of the air filter  top, if a better pic!, would show the unblemished original paint.
Have continued this post in the photos and videos section.