First Alfa, first restoration

Started by Damien Smith, July 12, 2016, 09:53:27 PM

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Damien Smith

They'll probably be more of a success 2nd time around!

I've ordered a 50mm Velcro sanding disc for the drill and also a stack of 600 grit 50mm discs. I did the 600 stage by hand and think that's where I fell short such that the 1200 and 2000 weren't effective.

Will report back with progress!

Damien Smith

I've been sidetracked with a new job of late so not much has really happened.

I'm occasionally working on the stainless steel polishing but the lack of amazing results doesn't do a lot for the motivation. I'm tempted to outsource it but considering how difficult it is my concerns are 1. Cost 2. Quality.

I also need to track down a series 2 1750 engine. I've just put up a WTB post but there's no urgency. Due to my over enthusiasm at the time of purchase I'd checked the engine & chassis number with the encumbrance register but didn't confirm the engine number paperwork matched what's in the car. Turns out it has a 2L lump.

The engine needs attention which I did know, but I'd rather fit the correct size engine.

I'll start stripping it down soon to get it ready for body and paint.

Damien Smith

Some small progress. Rebuilt the passenger door hinges with new bronze bushes today so the door doesn't drop anymore.

I've also taken a different tact with the stainless. Instead of trying to remove every scratch I'm leaving the larger scratches as they are and bringing the surface back to a shine. Everything is quite dull as it is and it's a 46 year old car after all.

After cleaning each part I'm using 2000 grit sandpaper (dry) to remove any surface crud and light scratches. This is followed by a 8" loose calico buff on the bench grinder with polishing compound. This removes the scratches from the 2000 grit sandpaper to bring out the shine.

Polished on the left, untouched on the right.

I think to get a flawless mirror shine buying new is probably the best option but I'm keeping as much as I can.

Damien Smith

I'm stripping the doors and have everything out except the quarter window frame. I've unbolted the 3 places I found where it's attached but there's a stud with no nut at the front which it seems to be stuck on.

Looks like the frame needs to move back to clear the stud instead of coming straight up and out of the door. Is this correct? It wobbles but won't move back for me but it might be stuck on the threads.


I have a much simpler method, though of course it depends on the depth of the scratches. 

I simply apply Autosol to a hand towel.  Not a soft, smooth microfibre cloth; a quality hand towel.  This removes all the scratches and swirls from the stainless steel mufflers on my motorcycles if buffing laterally along the pipes.  Dremel and orbital polisher don't do side-to-side and don't work.

Over time the towel is impregnated with polish so I reach a point at which I only occasionally have to apply more.  Just did the head stem and cranks on my 35 year old racing bicycle and they are so smooth and shiny I hope people don't think they are chrome plated.
2011 159ti 1750TBi

Damien Smith

Thanks for that - I'll give Autosol a try.

Damien Smith

I managed to remove the quarter window frame - I'd missed a large screw which is accessed by removing the small water seal above the top hinge.

The interior is pretty much stripped and the dash is out.

Radiator is out and the next major task will be removing the engine/gearbox.

No idea when I'll get to that. It's a leisurely pace :)

Damien Smith

Over 3 years without an update as nothing has really happened in that time.

I've recently found some motivation to keep going and am really keeping to the basics just to get it on the road. I was originally planning to pull out the engine (2L) to get the body sorted and replace the 2L with a 1750 so it's the proper engine, but the 2L is good enough so it's staying put. The body is rough but sound apart from behind the front wheels so that'll get some attention later.

Over the last week I've fitted a new wiring harness from Scott's Old Auto Rubber and apart from a few wires identified as "unknown duty" I've managed to match everything up. I labelled a lot of the old harness as it came out which helped a lot.

Carbies are out and due for a refresh. Open to suggestions for where to send Webers for a full spruce up?

The rear demister is beyond gone. The glass will have to come out anyway for headlining to go in so I've been looking at stick on kits from the UK. Has anyone scraped off the remains of the old demister and applied a new one?

I have a bunch of random parts on order at the moment so there will be more to come.