Fiat Burning for u !

Started by lombardi, June 23, 2018, 02:12:33 PM

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Mate has a Fiat 500 late model made in poland ,  3 months ago house burnt down with 500 in garage , middle of the night , guess what , forensics determined it was 500 that caused fire, re something electrical in 500 caused fire ,  another lovely FCA story .. These cars are becoming smarter than us n trying to kill us , apparently this has been occuring n now there is a recall .... I remember a 33 on fire in a garage but that was something to do with carbys  .... 500 is bizarre
forza lazio,viva l'alfa

Current Alfa=

Giulietta 2015 QV manual Ghiaccio

1974 Spider series 2 ,carabinieri blu

Previous Alfas=

33x4 1985 wagon
33 ti 1985
156 sportswagon manual red
Alfetta sportiva 1981 red
166 silver 1999


Well my first 156 self combusted on the freeway one night. But talking to the  fireys it seems that it is not so uncommon for modern cars to ignite. I've started paying more attention to traffic alerts now, and there's probably at least one or two a week related to burning vehicles. All makes and models.
Now:    2002 156 GTA
            1981 GTV
Before: 1999 156 V6 Q-auto
            2001 156 V6 (sadly cremated)