Headlight help - 77 GTV

Started by Dukes426, August 09, 2018, 10:09:23 PM

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Hi all,
Am looking to replace one of the headlights on the GTV and can't work out how to get the clip thing undone. I have gone through the Hayes manual but it wasn't really clear exactly how to do it (It is probably straightforward but I am just too thick!!). Can anybody please shed some light on how to undo this clip to get the headlight out?
I have attached a pic of the clip I am talking about.(apologies if it is small and/or blury, tricky to attach pics taken on my phone)
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thanks guys

Neil Choi

You just flip that locking wire/clip up.


Thanks Neil.
Is there any particular side it flicks up from? That is, do I try to flick it up from the middle of the wire or on one of the sides? I have fiddled around with it and was tricky to move it. Thought I better ask the forum before I broke something.
Thanks again for your response - really appreciate it.


Just use a small flat screwdriver to lever the lower portion of metal clear (upwards) of the pin it is slotted in to. Provided you have also undone the other screw on the other side (no need to touch the screw on the bottom) then the headlight should slide forward and up/out. Try to lever close to the lower pin so maximum force is where you want it and you don't damage the wire. That said, they are pretty tough - I've never damaged one badly and if bends a little you can bend it back once the light is off.


Further to Neils and GTVeloce comments, it works similar in principal to a safety pin. It is just a matter of pushing pin over and out of the safety locking mechanism.


Further to my previous post, I have attached 3 photos with clip in secured and unsecured position to illustrate the means by which the clip secures the headlight in place.


Thanks very much guys for the detailed descriptions and Bonno, those photos are exactly what I needed to see so I know how the mechanism works. I will give it another go tonight and fingers crossed I can get it off this time!
Have a great night and thanks again for the excellent explanations!