My first Alfa, '04 156 JTS

Started by Cam156, December 04, 2018, 09:43:15 PM

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Howdy all.

Last week I did something I Have long wanted to do, I bought an Alfa. As the title says, 156 JTS, and so far I have to say I'm loving it.
In my past. I've had a wide range of cars, and always had an inkling that Alfa would join the list at some point.i
I've only done 500odd km in it, but have been really impressed with the little things; the rain sensing wipers were a nice surprise , how quiet it is on the freeway, the fact it climbed Willunga Hill in 5th with the cruise set and it kept the speed  pretty much set, how well the aircon works and how comfortable and economical it is.

I've also really enjoyed the way you all interact in here, I did some lurking before I bought, and look forward to learning more about these wonderful machines.
To me it really feels like a newer 405 Mi16, and I've been lucky enough to have a couple of those. I'll (hopefully) attach a pic or 2, I really do think it's a gorgeous car.



Interesting comparison. I get to choose between cars that include an Alfa and a 405 Mi16, frequently I prefer the latter!  More pleasure per km. 


its been ages since I've had an Mi16, my last one lunched its cambelt on the way to the airport one morning in about 2012, but the feeling I remember from those days is very similar to the one I get from the 156.

both have/had a sunroof, so maybe having my head at an angle is what is triggering those memories! :P


Current:  Alfetta GTV 1977 Silver
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