Oscar Nomination for Best Club Magazine

Started by John Toomath, December 20, 2008, 08:47:45 AM

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John Toomath

I just wanted to give some praise to the team who provide us with such a high quality club magazine.  It is always a pleasure to receive it in the mail.  The photos, editorials and articles (both currrent and reprints from archives) combine to produce an impressive result.  The magazine does an excellent job of conveying the passion we share for these cars, however illogical it may be. I know of several members who rarely attend any meets but remain members to retain the connection with the Alfa community through the magazine. Congratulations on a spare time job that is done so well.

The reprinted Motor test of the now 10 year old GTV V6 is well worth getting absorbed in.  I have read hundreds of car tests through the years and as an owner of one of these lovely cars, this test really captures the sensations that this car brings. It gets even better when you lose the last two mufflers from the exhaust system, fit koni yellows and move forward a year to the 6 speed gearbox.  :)

Merry Christmas all and happy Alfa ownership in 2009.
2001 GTV 3.0 24V V6 (daily smile generator)
1987 75 2.5 V6 (trackday smile generator)

Stuart Thomson

Hi John,

I think I can speak for both Sheldon and myself, when I say thanks for the comments.

It's comments like this that make it all worthwhile.


Think how good the mag could be if we had contributions from many members.  You'll notice that most of the articles are written by a few people, so how's about a New Year's resolution from all on the forums, to write something for the mag.



Stuart, could you provide some info: as to how we go about contributing eg. are there particualr subjects/artciles you'd like, how/where do we submit, dates etc.


Barry Edmunds

Anyone wishing to contribute to AROCA publications should contact Sheldon (or Stuart in his absence) to ascertain deadlines and discuss contributions. All and any contributions (within legal limits of course) are most welcome, particularly if they relate to Alfas.
Someone may have been for a drive over a new and unfamiliar road or a tour OS, why not put an article together on the trip? We all love our Alfas, why not share your enjoyment with others and try and explain to the non believers why we do so. If you know of any old/restored/remarkable/interesting Alfas that have been hidden away for a long time, why not put together a story on the car and or the owner? If you have solved a particular problem with your Alfa why not let others know how you went about solving the problem? If you have a problem, why not use the club magazine to ask for help (heavens knows we all need technical advice at some stage) as others may well have had the same problem. If you have solved a problem you could well be on your way to becoming 'the' residient expert on that particular subject.
If in any doubt as to how to put it all together, have a chat to Sheldon as he will certainly help and advise. As for format etc, just prepare the article as a Word document and any accompanying photos in jpeg format and Sheldon and Stuart will work their usual magic. Material can be forwarded to Sheldon by e-mail or supplied on disc. The articles don't have to be long either. Short artciles are just as welcome.
As Stuart said, articles written by a few 'new' faces make for a more interesting magazine. besides it means less writing/creating work by the editor anmd any editor will like that.
Good luck with your literary efforts.