New member with vehicle history query

Started by MtGlorious, January 05, 2022, 08:44:44 AM

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I'm a longtime Alfa owner, though with a 5 year recent gap. Having owned 6 Alfas in my time from a '73 GTV to a '99GTV3.0 and a few in between - some good, some bad : - I'm now in a position to return to the marque. I'm also pleased that good Alfa's are now commanding the market values I thought they always deserved.

I'm looking for a well restored Giulia GT/V or 1750GTV; or an excellent GTV2000 if I can overcome my fear of interior plastic.

Some of you may have seen the following for sale in Melbourne

It appears to be a well restored Giulia GT Veloce, however the dealer is scarce on history, most notably being unsure who did the body restoration. Some mechanical work I can deal with, but I want to avoid costly rust or structural rectification if a 'restoration' was not done correctly.

Trawling through these forums I could only find one reference to the same car. See following:

It's a 2014 post, pre-restoration, which shows the base vehicle was probably in reasonable condition but potentially had the original 1600 engine swapped out for a 1300 - which doesn't ordinarily make sense to me.

If anyone has knowledge of this car please drop me a DM. Ideally I'd like to track down who did the body work, but if not, any other info would be very helpful. It has an AROC sticker on the windscreen so I'm hoping someone knows something about this car.

Many thanks.

vin sharp

Ad says engine number 536...... which is the correct 1600 engine type.