Selespeed Saga(s)

Started by tokolyi, January 15, 2009, 09:53:45 AM

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I have been the proud owner of a number of Alfas over the years including a lovely roundtail Spyder restoration. Presently my patience is being tested beyond the usual Alfaisms by the selespeed system in my 156 Sportswagon.

The 156 wagon is a beautiful car. The selespeed system however seems to have a mind of its own. Whilst under warranty I had the system checked many times with the usual response of, 'yes we recalibrated and tested. All appears OK."

Now my 156 is out of warranty and the selespeed has decided to skip 4'th gear going both up and down the box, whether in Auto or semi-manual mode. Typically this quirk is unpredictable as it sometimes 're-sets' itself when the car is restarted or even re-fuelled. Very Sicilian indeed! Then without any apparent provocation the system will again forget it ever had a fourth gear......

My dealer 'assures' me they have a bullet proof diagnosis and fix, Unfortunately it involves removing, stripping and rebuilding the gearbox. They claim the fault is either a 'weak' circlip which they admit is a known defect, or, a faulty plunger mechanism. Also a known defect.

What I am peeved about is:

1. Why has it taken until my car is out of warranty for this 'guaranteed fix' to be proposed? (when I have been having selespeed issues for years),

2. Why can't my dealer give me a fixed quote for the repair/rebuild? (they claim it depends on what they find). Hardly confidence building!

3. Why won't the dealer or Alfa Australia admit their is an inherent design weakness in the selespeed system and either recall faulty vehicles or offer to share costs? 

I know I am not alone. A quick google search reveals pages of similar problems, warnings and remedies from all over the globe. I would love to hear how other Australian selespeed owners are getting on and more particularly whether they have reached any agreeable arrangements with their dealers.

Still love the car. She's an Alfa!               



Hi, I hear you brother! I have a 2004 156 Selespeed sedan and mine would put itself into neutral at some very inconvenient times.  The dealer had it on 3 occasions. The first they recalibrated it. The second time drained it and replaced the 'circlip' and the third time replaced a selector arm.  Once this was done, no problems since but I was lucky as the car was still in warranty.  Just have everyting crossed that nothing else goes wrong with it!!  Still, they are like your children, you love them anyway regardless.


Ah yep, that in no small way is why I bought a manual JTS Sportwagon rather than the selespeed.  Ditto my non dealer Alfa mechanic also recommended not going for a sillyspeed, too many stories of problems.  Besides anyway, I do actually prefer a full manual.  Hope you can get your Sportwagon sorted for not too unreasonable cost, and yes I agree it is a pity it couldn't have been fixed under warranty.  Dave
2003 JTS 156 sportwagon
1969 Giulia sedan (x2)
1969 AC Fiat 124 sport

Past: '76 Alfetta 1.8 GT 
        '76 Alfetta 1.8 Sedan
        ' 73 2L Berlina


Dave and S, Thank you! Nice to have some replies. Thought for a moment that my 'speaking out' might have gone unanswered or taken as a little too disloyal. On the whole the Alfa upside far outweighs the issues. I just don't subscribe to the illusion that quality and sound engineering can overtly be compromised and justified by reason of heritage or passion. Best regards, Les

shane wescott

Hi Mate

Sorry to hear your woes. Just as quick one, I did some research on selespeed/newer alfas for a mate once and one common fix that came back for a range of woes was to put a new battery in.

I know it may sound a bit unusual but batteries will normally only last a few years with any great reliability, and a brand new one may fix your woes. There were a number of items - especially in the UK where people were given one type of expensive fix after another - all to no avail, and when the battery was replaced all was good.

Sorry that is the only help I can give you, but I am glad you have the Alfa spirit, and are willing to accept that there vehicles have "character" that is worth embracing.

CAtch ya

Current Cars:

No Alfa's :-(

Previous Cars:
1991 White 164
86 White GTV6 Zender Body Kit
90 Red 75 TS
98 Blue GTV 2.0
85 Red 33 1.5 TI
85 Red 33 1.7 Carby
83 Silver 33 1.5 GCL
70 Blue Berlina 1750
70 White Berlina 1750

70 White Berlina 1750 (my first)

Current Bikes:

2002 Yellow Ducati ST2 944