Gear shift linkage detached or broken - 159Ti

Started by MattK, February 17, 2025, 06:05:53 PM

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Hi all,
I've booked this with the mechanic but I have to wait two weeks for an appointment. Coming home in my 159Ti TBi I missed a shift then put it into third, but when I went to change down at the next corner, the shifter was floppy and the car remained in third. Presumably the linkage cables have detached or broken somehow. Was able to pull over safely and the car is in a place it can stay without too much drama.
My question is, should I try to source the linkage online to have it ready for the mechanics to fit? The shifter wiggles freely from third to fourth gear position (without changing gear) and will not move sideways to 1/2 or 5/6. I just don't want to wait two weeks then wait another two weeks for parts.


Unfortunately the shifter mechanism and /or the cable can be broken. You wont know until there is a strip down.
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Rats - after some research it seems like the parts are extremely difficult to source, too.


If you have any difficulty getting parts I suggest you contact Vlade at Arese Spares (0411 123 640) in Sydney first, if you have no luck there then try Chris at CL Bodyworks (07) 3252 9315 in Brisbane.
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