GTV6 using water- no obvious leaks

Started by Repco Lad, July 03, 2009, 08:54:54 PM

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Repco Lad

In the process of buying '85 GTV6- seller mentioned that car is 'using a little water'. I have scoured this car and can't find an obvious leak. Oil/ rocker cover/ rad overflow are spotless- no mayonaise. Great service history.

I'm thinking possibly the plastic heater tap, but car is bone dry on inside. Any thoughts???


check in between the cylinder heads just be hind the thermostat housing there are two rubber hoses that connect between them you might find one of them is either about to blow or have already done so.

Repco Lad

Thanks for the tip- will give it a look. Have asked for a pressure test of the cooling system, which may expose the weak point.



The owner said 'uses a little water' but it does have coolant in it right?
I recall someone arguing that water does have a benefit of some sort but the correct mixture of coolant will help to prevent corrosion in an all alloy motor.
I guess I raise that question, because if it has water in it, that would in my mind raise a shadow of doubt on the quality of the cars service history.

In regards to the loss of fluid, bringing the car to operating temp then parking it on a clean surface is always a good start. Thats going to confirm external loss, left or right side, front or rear of motor.

Having said that, I think my GTV6 was weeping coolant out of the head gaskets before I had them replaced. I don't think any coolant from this leak was making it to the ground.

1987 75 TS Rosso
2001 GTV V6 Nero
2001 156 V6 Monza Rosso
1986 GTV6 Grand Prix
1988 33

Sheldon McIntosh

I had a leak which was difficult to find.  Turned out to be a pinhole in the heater hoses at the back of the engine.  I had to almost climb into the engine bay to find it, and it would only leak enough for it to reach the ground after a track session.  In normal running it would just pool on top of the engine and eventually evaporate.  Was great fun changing that hose.

Repco Lad

Thanks for the feedback. Car is running coolant, but doesn't get used much. Seals/ hoses etc have hardened over time I suspect. However will know doubt be spending some quality time under the bonnet, as I bought it today!

Look forward to joining shortly