Sheldon's Gran Turismo Challenge

Started by Evan Bottcher, November 26, 2006, 11:43:30 PM

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Evan Bottcher

The best I could do...  pathetic.
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'13 Alfa Mito QV
'77 Alfasud Ti
'74 Alfasud Sedan
'68 1750 GTV
--> Slow and Fun - my Alfa journal

Tristan Atkins

Don't take it too seriously Evan, its just a game and I'd prefer to be fast on the track and not the game.

I was using a steering wheel which helps alot but Sheldon said some kid with a controler beat this so he deserves to win.


I too thought this would be a good idea and a bit of fun, after all, I have been driving a 105 for the past couple of years and know the peculiarities of the 105's handling characteristics......but this was something else (it clearly needs to have some Vin Sharp mods done to it).

So I borrowed a PS2 and GT game from my brother in law and thought i would give it a crack.  After an hour or so of trying simply to finish the course I decided that Sheldon was just trying to inflict some sort of cruel and unusual punishment on us.  After about 3 hours (admittedly a few beverages also) I was flinging anything that I could find at hand towards the TV and screaming profanities to our esteemed editor asking why, just because we bowled one underarm delivery 20 years ago we still have to suffer (sorry Sheldon, but PS2 rage just got the better of me).

In the end my times were far off the above ones so I didn't bother to take a photo.  Maybe I will have another go tonight now that I know other people have endured the same as I (even though they obviously have far more talent).
1967 Giulia Sprint GT Veloce - (WIP) Strada
1977 Alfetta GTV Group S - Corsa - For Sale (,9600.0.html)
2009 159 JTS Ti

Evan Bottcher

Quote from: Tristan Atkins on November 27, 2006, 10:28:38 AM
Don't take it too seriously Evan, its just a game and I'd prefer to be fast on the track and not the game.

BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!  "fast on the track"!  You obviously haven't seen my track times in the Sud then?

I'd prefer to be fast on the track also  ;D
Newest to oldest:
'13 Alfa Mito QV
'77 Alfasud Ti
'74 Alfasud Sedan
'68 1750 GTV
--> Slow and Fun - my Alfa journal

Sheldon McIntosh

Quotescreaming profanities to our esteemed editor asking why, just because we bowled one underarm delivery 20 years ago we still have to suffer (sorry Sheldon, but PS2 rage just got the better of me).

Ha ha ha.  We can forgive Phil, but we will never forget.  Actually, forgive might be stretching it....

Final results have been tabulated and sent to the printer, will appear in the next mag, coming soon.....

I left yours out of the mag Evan, didn't want to embarass you  ;)

Glad you put it up here...

Sheldon McIntosh

About 10 people bothered with this challenge.  I was going to wait until the magazine was out to post this, but it now looks as if it won't be in mailboxes until next week.   

Attached is the text from an email i recieved from the Danish Alfa Romeo Owners Club:-

QuoteOn 12/4/06, Peter Dyrelund <> wrote:

    Hallo Sheldon

    How are you?

    We introduced the competition about driving the Citti Di Aria in our
    club with the magazine, which was reaching the first members yesterday,
    and I have already got several entries. So we will challenge your members.

    Have you got a lot of entries in your country?

        Kind regards

    Alfa Romeo Klub Danmark

I thought it would be a nice idea to accept the challenge on , ahem, everyones behalf, and I sent Peter our best time so far.  He was quite impressed  as it was a good second better than their time.  Attached our best so far, courtesy of Stephen Aarons.

So bring on the challenge!!

Sheldon McIntosh

Denmark didn't waste any time!!!

Their first response yesterday:-

QuoteHi Sheldon

We have taken up the challenge!

Please see the attached time from one of our members. His name is Ole Middelhede, and he owns an Alfa 166 3.0 and a 1750 Spider Duetto.

Alfisti greatings from AROC Denmark


Sheldon McIntosh

And their next response today.........

QuoteHallo Sheldon

New results keep coming in to me.

We are now under 2.08 min.

Se attached.

Kind regards

Alfa Romeo Klub Danmark

So guys, this is a call to arms.  It was all well and good having a challenge amongst ourselves, but this is serious now, our (well your) country's pride is resting on this. 

Break out the PS2 once more, fight them on the couches etc..

Scott Farquharson

Scott Farquharson
Group A Dulux Alfetta GTV6
Group S Alfetta GTV
Alfetta GT (GTAM?)

Sheldon McIntosh

Yeah sorry, should have made that a bit clearer I guess.

On Playstation 2 in the game Gran Turismo 4 , go to Gran Turismo Mode, go to the licence centre, select International B Licence section, and find test number 15.  This will take you to one standing lap of the "Citta di Aria" course. 

Best time wins, Denmark v Victoria, Aust. 

PS  Denmark has a population of 5 million, very similar to Victoria, and the Danish Alfa club has around 2000 members!!  More than double our membership...

Evan Bottcher

Quote from: Mick + Phil on December 01, 2006, 05:38:53 PM
just wondering, how many people even bothed with this challenge anyway?? ???

how many people bother to spell correctly?

(gawd I'm a tosser)
Newest to oldest:
'13 Alfa Mito QV
'77 Alfasud Ti
'74 Alfasud Sedan
'68 1750 GTV
--> Slow and Fun - my Alfa journal

Fast Eddie

All i want for Christmas is a PS2 and GT4  :P
Now -
Then -
76 Sud L 1.3
85 33 1.5
00 156 Selespeed
77 Alfetta GTV - Group S project - "yellow peril"
86 SudSprint 1.5 - clubsprint car
77 Alfetta GTV - Tarmac rally/Group S
03 156GTA 3.2 manual
80 Alfetta GTV
07 166 -3.0 Ti.
86 GTV6