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156 Workshop

Started by a sharp, November 01, 2009, 12:29:12 PM

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a sharp

Friday 27th November 156 Workshop
Monza Motors, 4 Malvern Street, Bayswater  Melways:  Ref 64 G4 (near East Link).
6.30pm BBQ Start 7.00 pm
To follow our Spettacolo featuring Giugiaro design theme, the 932 register will be holding a Tech night for members who are interested in purchasing or who currently own a 156, GTV,147, Spider, 166 and GT cars. We will have for you a range of 932 Series cars on display with an open forum for discussion & advice the service and enhancement of these vehicles, including cam belt change and selespeed repairs, and a pre-purchase guide and introduction to this series. A product display of performance parts with Information will be available on a range of aftermarket accessories including Q2 diffs, performance chips, body kits and suspension components to name a few. Both the parts store and workshop will be open. BBQ & refreshment provided with gold coin donation.
Monza Motors and Alfpa Repairs have had a long association with the Club and is respected sponsor.  Accordingly all Club members are most welcome as a range of parts and accessories are available for most models from 105, 116 and 160 series including current models. Hugh Harrison will be our host and this event will be exclusively for Alfa Club Members only.  Any Non members who are interested in coming on the night are encouraged to join as new members always welcome.  Enquiries John