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Started by a sharp, November 01, 2009, 12:32:06 PM

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a sharp

Sunday 15th November Spettacolo
Como Park Reserve, South Yarra
The Alfa Romeo Owners' Club is holding their annual Spettacolo and the theme for this year's event will be the works of Italian design house Giugiaro who have a long association with Alfa Romeo. Trophies
awarded for the Concours and Wash 'n Shine competition and a People's Choice Award. Entries accepted on the day. All vehicles entering in the Wash'n Shine or Concourse will be entered into a draw on the day – the lucky winner receiving a $100.00 worth of club merchandise. Judging of cars commences from 10am for Club Members and Visitors cars. Public entry free and all Alfa Romeo owners and lovers of the Italian marque welcome. If you have any queries, please contact John.  Entry to Wash 'n Shine $5.00 & Concorso $10.00(open class)


I'm keen on putting car into the wash n shine. I'm not a club member so can I still enter and if so, what time do I need to be there by?

2009 Ford Focus XR5T
1982 Alfetta GTV 2.0 (out to stud)

1986 Nissan Pintara Shaggin Wagon

John Hanslow

Hi there.

All members of the public with an Alfa are welcome to attend - and we now have a visitors category for non members.

Come along say 10.00 am , enter into the Wash n Shine (forms available on the day) and judging should be around midday.

2011 Giulietta QV

1989 164 3.0  V6
2002 156 Twin Spark Sports Edition
2002 147 Twin Spark
2002 916 Spider Twin Spark
1990 Alfa 75 Potenziata


2009 Ford Focus XR5T
1982 Alfetta GTV 2.0 (out to stud)

1986 Nissan Pintara Shaggin Wagon

Joe Garra

Fantastic day, great cars on display. Well organised John and committee!
Now: 164Q
        Giulietta QV
Before : 75
            33 16V
            Sud Ti
            99 Spider
            156 Wagon
            159 Wagon

Al Campbell

Had a great time. Great to see all those loved cars. Thought I'd have a quick look and stayed for 3 hours.

Dragged the missus along and she's finally an ALFA convert.

Well done.



Awesome day.  Well done John, you really have lifted this event, the signage etc looked fantastic.

Anyone got photos to share  ???
1967 Giulia Sprint GT Veloce - (WIP) Strada
1977 Alfetta GTV Group S - Corsa - For Sale (,9600.0.html)
2009 159 JTS Ti

Barry Edmunds

Can only agree with the comments about a terrific day. Well done John. Compliments on a the day always appreciated.  Great to see the 'oldies' turn out too. How good did the 8C sound?. I did think about holding the microphone close to the exhaust so that the neighborhood could hear it too.
There were a couple of items handed in during the day which need to be returned to their owners;
1. a digital camera memory card, and
2. a small bundle of items found after the owner left for the day. Bundle found at the southern end of the oval.
Ring me on 0405 383 431 to reclaim


Somebody has posted some good photos here...

And thanks to AROCA for a really great day!



I have some photos from the day. I'll happily post a few up when i get home today. I was there with my Dad in the Black (Brera) Spider.

Thanks for the fantastic day, seeing all of those gorgeous Alfa's made me consider selling my mx5 and buying one!  
1985 Alfa 33 4x4 wagon
1990 Mazda MX-5

John Hanslow

Thank you ladies and gents.  Superb day and overall about attendance 50% up from last year.  With next year for the 2010 Celebration Spettacolo, can only anticipate a bit more (weather dependant).  Thanks to all who helped out on the day as it was a tremendous group effort.

Alfas on the Field - approx 170 cars & Wash n Shine  - approx   70 cars.
Non Alfas  -  crikey - another 20 cars.  Dealers' cars   - approx  10 cars.
And we can not forget tray trucks, vans & trailers - about 10.   All up 200.

Not bad despite the dust.  Last year we had about 130 all up and 50 Wash n Shine entries.

Cheers all.
2011 Giulietta QV

1989 164 3.0  V6
2002 156 Twin Spark Sports Edition
2002 147 Twin Spark
2002 916 Spider Twin Spark
1990 Alfa 75 Potenziata

Steve S

I went along for a look. I was impressed with the quality of the cars there!

I saw a lot leaving on the way there though so I will have to get there earlier next year! Maybe even buy an Alfa one of these days too  :D


yeah well done lads, great day! I was very impressed with the turnout compared to the last one I went to (2007). Was great to finally see another GTV pre 1984 with my style interior! Found it hilarious to see another owner with a bit of plastic shoved in his hazard light button to keep it from popping out! I feel your pain, I'm on my 3rd one in 3 years..

Highlight of the day would definitely have to be the burgundy 6c. (I think that's what it was, I can't remember) What a brilliant brilliant car. Great display of Alfa's heritage.

2009 Ford Focus XR5T
1982 Alfetta GTV 2.0 (out to stud)

1986 Nissan Pintara Shaggin Wagon


Great job guys, well organised. Running late I got there around 12 and had detailed my car but from what I saw  it looked packed so I just parked on the street.

Here's some shots from my camera angle (in low res for posting);


I forgot I can only post 4 at a time!

PS I think these pics sum it up...sun, classic racing Alfas, a gelati van and tray truck...what more would an Alfa owner need?  :-*