Philip Island

Started by Paul Gulliver, December 15, 2009, 06:07:03 PM

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Paul Gulliver

I know there is another thread on this topic but i would like to come at it from a slightly different angle. This meeting is usually the grand finale for the club sprinters for the year and in addition the development of a lot of cars for the year. This isn't reported in the natsoft results but if is interesting to note those cars that have finally reached the AROCA club Vic "nirvana" that is the sub 2 minute lap.

On Sunday it appears that another 2 members reached the Promised Land (sorry if i have missed any others punters). Ji  Bruders in a  quick well thought out Alfa 75 twin spark  1. 59 .67  & Andrew Argennback in a nissan turbo charged  Alfetta  GTV 1.59 .67. There are lots of other punters in the 2.00 to 2.10 time zone & plenty of other good drivers   in the 2.10 to 2.20 plus run groups that posted very quick or PB times on the weekend.
I managed to knock a few seconds off my PB on the weekend and it was great to see a few other sprinters in the same position. ( I think Sheldon Mc Intosh knocked 4 secs off his  PB , wow  !!!).

We will be expecting a lot of interstate drivers at Philip island next year for Alfa Island" Centenary Race Meeting'. A lot of these visitors will have never been to the Island and at best will have played Philip Island on X box. To possibly make their visit more enjoyable I would invite   everybody who has run a Philip Island to maybe submit some tips, advice on how to get a better lap time. Because like most things in life once to start getting better at something it is very addictive.

I would like to open this debate from something I picked up on the MX5 website about a new driver who posted what he thought was a good  time in July at PI and the feedback some more experienced drivers  I have deleted the names to protect the innocent

QuoteBy the way, with the aim of being positive, here's some feedback after watching your video:

1) You seen to be off a few apexes. Maybe this was to avoid the water or oil, or the camera position, I don't know. But you'd be surprised how narrow an MX is, it's very easy to miss the left hand apexes especially.

2) You're not using the full track width at exit. You should be running all the way up to the ripples strips (and onto them on the really hot laps) - eg Sthn Loop, Honda, Turn 12. Again, you might have been doing this to stay on the dry line...

3) trailbrake trailbrake trailbrake! PI in a slow car is all about maximising corner entry speed. Turn 1, Sthn loop, Siberia, Lukey. You shouldn't be braking til you turn in on any of these. NOTE: This can be very difficult (to avoid spinning off), but massively rewarding to lap times. Learn to left-foot brake.

4) Southern Loop is a double apex. Get in tight and fast (because you've used all the exit width out of T1), run out to mid-track (no wider, the track camber rolls away), then left line up the 2nd apex for a hot run out. You should be flat from just past the flag point.

5) Use more exit width over Lukey. Keep it medium to tight at the entry/midcorner, then power out to mid-track over the hill. You'll be 4-wheel drifting if you get it right. Don't use a wide entry.

6) Use ALL the exit width out of MG (This is the most critical corner on the track - don't forget to use a wide entry as well). MX-5s don't have the acceleration to need to compromise this exit and set up for Turn 11. Run right out to the left ripple strip and stay flat on it. Wet conditions and wheelspin excepted, you'll get around 11 just fine. You'll gain 1-2 seconds with this alone

Well here goes & if  I missed any other individual performances at Philip Island on the weekend I would invite you to submit your time & experiences. Like most things if you don't ask & find out you will only go out and practice your mistakes at the next meeting.



PS For you interstate drivers here's a few video clips from Philip Island to wet your lips and entice you to come next year ( Philip Island may not be a Mountain but you do get ocean  views)

and from the Porsche 944 register

Paul Gulliver
2017 Silver Giulia Veloce
1979 Silver Alfa 116 GTV Twin Spark
1973 Red Alfa 105 2.0 GTV

2013 Giulietta QV
2006 Black 159 2.2 J
1970 Dutch Blue Series 2 1750
1975 Blue Alfetta Sedan 1.8
1981 Piper Yellow Alfetta GTV 2000
1985 Red Alfetta GTV2.0
1989 White Alfa 164
2000 156

Brad M

06 147 JTD 1.9
76 116 GT 2.0
72 105 GTV 2.0

Gone... 2x 147 GTA, 2x 90, 2x SudSprint

Next? ...

Paul Gulliver

Thanks Brad,

I think i said to Evan on the weekend that your video was the last thing i saw before went to bed on Saturday night pre Philip Island. ( Her indoors thinks I'm nuts)

Mick Aarons video clip is also good ( some handy tips on how to adjust your rear vision mirror at speed). I think  Mick got in a sub 2.00 lap on a wet track in July.
Paul Gulliver
2017 Silver Giulia Veloce
1979 Silver Alfa 116 GTV Twin Spark
1973 Red Alfa 105 2.0 GTV

2013 Giulietta QV
2006 Black 159 2.2 J
1970 Dutch Blue Series 2 1750
1975 Blue Alfetta Sedan 1.8
1981 Piper Yellow Alfetta GTV 2000
1985 Red Alfetta GTV2.0
1989 White Alfa 164
2000 156

Sheldon McIntosh

Great post Paul.

I'm not sure we should be giving away any secrets to the interstaters though, I'm pushing for a no-practice race!

I think to some extent it depends on the car as to how you attack the corners.  Looking at those videos, Scott's one is the closest to how I would approach it, and I learnt something watching that video too, I've been getting Southern Loop all wrong (assuming my car will turn in as well as the Dulux car) :D

I think the exit of MG (the hairpin after Lukey Heights) is the most important corner on the track, particularly if you are underpowered, which lets face it, most Alfas are.  From there you're flat knacker for over 30 seconds, so any improvement out of there translates to much higher speed down the straight.  One of the reasons I improved 4 secs this time is that I've installed stiffer springs all round, which means I can get out of MG without spinning up the inside wheel too much.  I was changing into 5th at least 100m earlier.

Siberia is also a very important corner, and quite tricky.  It leads to a decent straight (straight unless it's wet or if you have over 400hp) and is off camber and uphill.

What a great track, hope heaps of interstaters can make it down next year.  I'm from NZ, and after watching it for years on the telly, to drive at PI was a dream, and it certainly didn't disappoint.  And it gets better every time.  

And good call Paul, congrats to everyone that got under 2.00, I know it's a big goal for me.