$1600 worth of prizes on the line at WSID onthe 28th - $500 for just Reaction Time!

Started by quattrokid, February 21, 2010, 07:20:37 PM

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Hey All,

As a lot of us line up at the lights every now and then (traffic lights or Christmas tree lights =P ) so this event should definitely be off interest.

Cut and copy of the epcc.net.au site

"$1500 plus worth of prizes are on the line - $200 each for the most consistent FWD, AWD and RWD vehicles plus a staggering $500 for the fastest reaction time, $300 for the lowest ET and $200 for the fastest top speed - you could win over $1000 if you ace the three classes...you have to be in it to win it though!"...and all for only $100 entry!

Check out the epcc.net.au site for more info...


Discounted Entry of $100 ends this Friday...be quick in contacting the EPCC crew if you want to line up at the lights to win some prizes.


The event is still a go and the prizes are still on the line regardless if we get the numbers to run a separate Euro Class or not...entries close on the 16th so be quick to secure your spot

There are a couple of VW's registering and would be great to see the hot hatch debate closed once and for all with a 147 GTA at the top of the field  :D

Remember there is $500 prize money for just the best reaction time.