Alfesta Was Awesome

Started by shane wescott, March 22, 2010, 09:26:49 PM

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shane wescott

Hi Guys

Just a quick one to pass on congrats to all the Alfesta 2010 commitee and al those who helped out. We had heaps of positive feedback fro the interstaters we spoke to so I thought I would pass that on.

From my point of view the highlights were:

1. The visit to the venue by the 159. It was fantastic to get up close and personal with this magnificent machine on Friday.

2. Meeting some of the great friends again we made at Alfesta last year.

3. The penguin parade - might sounds corny but I really had a ball checking out the penguins as they tootled back to their nests.

4. Being directly behind the 159 on Sunday when it was started up.

I've just been to two AC/DC concerts in the mosh pit in front of the stage, I've been on the airfield when F111's have taken off with full afterburners going, I've been in an F1 garage when they warmed up an F1 car, I've taken the GTV6 up to 5000 rpm in a tunnel, and I know the joy of revving my first Ducati, but nothing, nothing sounds like the 159 when it starts - it was spine tingling and the smile was on my face for the rest of the day - for me not just an Alfesta highlight but a life highlight :-)

5. The presentation dinner - great food, new friends, and an excellent MC job by Jeremy - all round a fantastic night.

6. Great drive home in the GTV6, Phillip Island to Archies Creek, Archies creek to Loch, Loch to Powong and then onto Droin, Droin to Yarra Junction and then on home, the cobwebs are certainly cleaned out :-)

Can't wait til next year in SA.

Catch ya

Current Cars:

No Alfa's :-(

Previous Cars:
1991 White 164
86 White GTV6 Zender Body Kit
90 Red 75 TS
98 Blue GTV 2.0
85 Red 33 1.5 TI
85 Red 33 1.7 Carby
83 Silver 33 1.5 GCL
70 Blue Berlina 1750
70 White Berlina 1750

70 White Berlina 1750 (my first)

Current Bikes:

2002 Yellow Ducati ST2 944

shane wescott

Current Cars:

No Alfa's :-(

Previous Cars:
1991 White 164
86 White GTV6 Zender Body Kit
90 Red 75 TS
98 Blue GTV 2.0
85 Red 33 1.5 TI
85 Red 33 1.7 Carby
83 Silver 33 1.5 GCL
70 Blue Berlina 1750
70 White Berlina 1750

70 White Berlina 1750 (my first)

Current Bikes:

2002 Yellow Ducati ST2 944

Evan Bottcher

I like the caption on the photo of you and the Alfetta.

"Me and the 159 - Fangios car from the 1951 F1 Championship - the most successful F1 car ever."

pretty much sums it up really.  Nice one.
Newest to oldest:
'13 Alfa Mito QV
'77 Alfasud Ti
'74 Alfasud Sedan
'68 1750 GTV
--> Slow and Fun - my Alfa journal


Thanks Shane for the photos of the 159.
Thats me in the Alfa cap and safety vest.
Gordon H
1974 Berlina 2000A

shane wescott

Yes Evan - it's one of those statements you can start and finish an argument on. Being a Richmond supporter I am used to going to history to shut down an argument.

The thing is with all the rule changes in F1 it is impossible for a car to outperform the 159 ever.

Without getting too soppy the time spent with the car when it was brought out to the Alfesta venue was an emotional experience for me.

Pictures tell a thousand words and meeting that car was certainly beyond words :-)

Current Cars:

No Alfa's :-(

Previous Cars:
1991 White 164
86 White GTV6 Zender Body Kit
90 Red 75 TS
98 Blue GTV 2.0
85 Red 33 1.5 TI
85 Red 33 1.7 Carby
83 Silver 33 1.5 GCL
70 Blue Berlina 1750
70 White Berlina 1750

70 White Berlina 1750 (my first)

Current Bikes:

2002 Yellow Ducati ST2 944


For a first timer to Phillip Island race track, it was a blast but to have all the Alfesta trimimings was indeed a pleasure of a lifetime as I cannot see myself hanging around for the next one without life support.

I was delighted to see some of the best prepared Alfas I have ever seen and not to mention the most I have ever seen in one bunch. Spectacular.

It was a pleasure to see the Queensland lads well represented and a true joy to meet and make new friends in the buzz of the whole event.

My personal thanks to the committee for doing such a great job.
Transaxle Alfas Haul More Arse.

Current Fleet
Alfetta GTV6 3.0
Alfetta GTV Twin Spark supercharged racer
75 1.8L supercharged racer

Past Fleet
Alfa GT 3.2V6
Alfetta GTV 2.0
Giulia Super 2.0
Berlina 2.0