Wanted: A transaxle for an 84 Alfetta GTV6

Started by AlfaACT, April 13, 2010, 07:27:51 PM

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I'm looking for a transaxle for my GTV6.
The car is an 84, so it predates the isotatic bits and is not LSD.

Happy to consider two possibilities:
Either for temporary use - ie while the current one gets reco'ed - then it becomes an emergency spare (?);
Or for permanent deployment - if its already perfect and/or LSD?

btw I already have a "broken" spare (its missing a tooth on the pinion!) so I'm only interested in good ones that are useable immediately.

If you have one that you might be prepared to part with please PM with your location and price?
If it helps, I would consider a swap (+$) for my existing spare?

The issue is actually with the diff not the gearbox.
But I need the whole caboodle for either of the options above.



1x 85 mdl road 90
2013 Giulietta 1.4
2015 Launch Edition Giulietta
Multiple Alfa 90's, Alfetta's and 147's