Back to an Alfa as a daily driver ?

Started by pep105, June 22, 2010, 10:14:45 PM

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As the title says, Im in the throws of considering this.
Currently I lease 2 cars from work, (Im an engineer at Toyota) so sorta of lucky (buy not really as it means I drive Toyotas....) therefore I get a big car for the missus & tackers and a little puss box hatch runabout for me, usually a Yaris (your arse) or a Corolla. A lot of the other Toyota dudes do this as well, and the ones that are into cars (not enough of them) usually have something more exotic/interesting in the garage.   

But its time to upspec the family hack therefore I believe I dont need to drive a brand spanker scrotum mobile, and are happy to take one for the team and launch my 1 month old Corolla for........ gee I dont know a Alfa 75 TS or 2.5 V6 an 83-86 GTV 2.0 maybe GTV6 or dare I say another 105.  :)

Logic says another 105 due to the amount of spares I have or a GTV 2.0, but for some reason Im thinking of a 75 2.5, cause next to the TS its unloved and cheapish (maybe not to run) and Ive had a 75 TS and GTV as daily drivers for a few years. Also a lot of you guys have multiple Alfas and Ive just got one which is not enough.

What do ya think? Everyone except you guys will think Im nuts, which is why I posted this in the first place :), because I know ill have your support in ditching the Toyota and driving a real car for a change.......

This idea is in its infant stages however, its a real possiblity

Thanks for any feedback

P.S A mate has a nice GTV6 in his front yard that was recently retired as a daily driver, he is on this forum, but we cant agree on whether he wants to sell it or Ed How Much ? Stop teasing me you bastard.
'74 GT 1600 Junior  (Currently under restoration)
'84 Alfetta GCL Sedan
'02 Vespa ET4 150
'05 GT 3.2
'82 Fiat 131 Superbrava Mk II
'82 Alfetta GTV 2.0
'88 75 Twinspark
'80 Alfetta Sedan
'02 147 Twinspark


buy a 90 they are somuch better than the 2.5 75 and have a better gearbox
1x 85 mdl road 90
2013 Giulietta 1.4
2015 Launch Edition Giulietta
Multiple Alfa 90's, Alfetta's and 147's


Hey Pep,

At this stage its not for sale, however if you get me a job a toyota, I could change my mind quite quickly. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Frank Musco

Hi Pep,

Puss Boxes , scrotum mobiles, farkin hilarious. I reckon you sound a bit like me, I can put up with them, but they are no way even close to Alfas. They are transport, only just transport, crickey, I'm starting to feel queasy just thinking about it.
People may attempt to convince you to stick with the Puss boxes for their reliability, but thats not true, all the Alfas I have owned, I reckon I've only been let down by a Battery which has got nothing to do with the car. You know how I drive.
Yes, an Alfa needs more attention than the norm, but its a small sacrific.

I still remember your GTV, one inch off the ground, bloody sick mate!!!

So this ones easy, you need a GTV6, not too low, nice and smooth, can you hear that motor, I know you can. No scrotum machine is going to do that for ya. And the looks, don't get me started, Ive always wanted one, but had a 90 instead for the v6 effect, but still looks like a taxi!! Still have the 90, again, could not kill it.

Go the GTV6.


1. Why would you want a job at TMCA anyway ?
2. Bastard
3. I know your gonna drive past my place in the GTV6 and rev it just to give me the shits
4. Bastard
5. Thanks

Dehne - Yeah 90 could be an option, plus you've got plenty of spares  :)

GTV/GTV6 does it for me to be honest, I can hear that motor, (just got off you tube (sad I know) and watched the octopussy James Bond mpeg again.......)
If it goes this way, I wont have it so low this time, I did raise and lower the GTV a number of times before I reached a good compromise!
I miss that bloody GTV, and the old uni days, with our Alfas.
Your spot on though mate, all the Alfas Ive owned with the exception of the 147 have been rock solid, and theres only so much shit bag transport I can take.

Thanks for the replies guys
'74 GT 1600 Junior  (Currently under restoration)
'84 Alfetta GCL Sedan
'02 Vespa ET4 150
'05 GT 3.2
'82 Fiat 131 Superbrava Mk II
'82 Alfetta GTV 2.0
'88 75 Twinspark
'80 Alfetta Sedan
'02 147 Twinspark


Pep, maate, as you may recall I too went the throws of trying to convince myself, and not without some help from yourself too that I needed a GTV6, unfortunately the missus kyboshed that one, and try as i could I couldn't convince her she really needed my 156 wagon so as to get rid of the Beemer.  I suspect if she had her way I too would have one or alternatively a ute, (god help us !!).

So, it is my turn to reciprocate the favour, yes you do need an another Alfa, no man can only have one, I have 3 and that is not enough !! If I could afford it/could get it past er in doors, and had the garage space, I reckon the collection would need to double or even triple  ;D ;D  I mean for frigs sake, the brother only in the last couple of weeks has added a couple more cars to his collection including a Lancia Flaminia GT 2.8 V6!

So give the whitegoods on wheels the flick and most definitely get yourself a V6.  You know you want that sound to be infront and around you as you go down the road.  Watching Utube is a bit like watching some porn and knowing you really want the real thing, rather than being some sad bastard hiding in the dark, with a big floppy coat and a sad grin.

Mike down here in Tassie had both a red 90 and a silver GTV6 for sale recently, probably still does.  I don't  know what he wanted for the GTV6 but the 90 (with large exhaust) I think was for sale around the $1200-1500 mark). 

BTW, I will be over your way in July from the 20-24th for work.  I wonder if anything might be happening Alfa wise during this time ?? 
2003 JTS 156 sportwagon
1969 Giulia sedan (x2)
1969 AC Fiat 124 sport

Past: '76 Alfetta 1.8 GT 
        '76 Alfetta 1.8 Sedan
        ' 73 2L Berlina


Pep, I drove around a 3.0L 75 for a while as a daily driver, and the sound was intoxicating every time I drove it.  Go the V6 mate.

DavidM; we have about 3 things on the week before you arrive and one thing the week after....but nothing on that week.  Having said that, drop me a PM, maybe we can organise a few of us to meet for a counter meal and a beer or two anyway.  We can debate turning Alfa's into race cars ;D ;)

1967 Giulia Sprint GT Veloce - (WIP) Strada
1977 Alfetta GTV Group S - Corsa - For Sale (,9600.0.html)
2009 159 JTS Ti


Thanks guys, still looking into it, was thinking of the 75 2.5 just to give everyone the shits  ;)
any way we'll see whether its 75TS or GTV6 or 2.0, but it wont be a farken rolla thats for damm sure.

Seriously Davo if your down (or up  :)) in Melb then I would be more than happy to catch up with Phil & yourself and whoever else, if theres beer & food & Alfas involved Im there , we can debate the Alfa race car debarcle and then you guys can help me find a car  :) Thats if you want me there of course...........

Its pretty farkin cold here at night in Melb so youll be right at home  :)

P.S Sent you both a PM

PP.S Ed you bastard is it for sale yet ?   
'74 GT 1600 Junior  (Currently under restoration)
'84 Alfetta GCL Sedan
'02 Vespa ET4 150
'05 GT 3.2
'82 Fiat 131 Superbrava Mk II
'82 Alfetta GTV 2.0
'88 75 Twinspark
'80 Alfetta Sedan
'02 147 Twinspark



Hey Pep, gee that Ed character must be a real bastard given he is telling you when to go to bed, in addition to not selling you the GTV6  ;D ;D, but yes having recently had a ride in my old Alfetta sedan which is fitted with a 2.5V6 and full drive train out of a wrecked 90, at our last boring hillclimb  ;D ;D, I have to agree Phil is dead right.  You really can't beat the sound of it. 

Its ok I too previously did the youtube thing when seriously thinking about getting one and so am also a seriously sad bastard for sure !!

Thanks Phil for letting me know about what is not on during the week I will be over in Melb.   But yes to both yours, Peps and also Paul's offer to catch up over a beer and food (I am with Pep there for sure) to discuss the finer points of Alfa, including turing them into race cars, would be seriously excellent.  Why wouldn't they want you there Pep, you havn't done anything to disgrace yourself have you ??  I mean you are talking about comming in from the cold and joining the rest of us confirmed Alfaholics in owning more than 1 Alfa. 

BTW it is definitely up in Melbourne, for the next place after Hobart (Tassie) is Antarctica and that mate is a seriously cold place.  Makes Tassie somewhat tropical in comparison !!

Thanks for the PM I will respond and provide details and my ph number as to when I will be in Melb, and as for the farkin cold, I know what you mean for it certainly has been that down here as well, so indeed I will feel totally at home.  Cheers Dave

PS See you guys soonish.

PPS, Pep, perhaps we can collectively work on Ed to sell you his GTV6  ;D ;D

PPPs. well bugger me I had better get on with some work and stop dribbling on.
2003 JTS 156 sportwagon
1969 Giulia sedan (x2)
1969 AC Fiat 124 sport

Past: '76 Alfetta 1.8 GT 
        '76 Alfetta 1.8 Sedan
        ' 73 2L Berlina