Started by Henry Goodman, November 08, 2010, 07:16:22 PM

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Henry Goodman

I realise softcopy is available, but I'm after an old fashioned hard copy (easier to read in bed  ;)), including any supplements. Second hand/used copies are fine, so long as the oil stains don't block out the text and no missing pages please.
Kind regards,
Ph. 0407 997 787.


Hi Henry,

Have you checked the Pitstop bookshop in Perth.... They have a few listed varying from $140 to $205. I get all my books from there and its generally an overnight delivery to Sydney.... so if you order today you'll have it for bed time tomorrow! :D


1988 33 1.7ie
2010 Mito QV

Henry Goodman

Hi Al.

Thanks for the tip. I'll have to use them if a second hand copy doesn't show up. I'd prefer second hand if someone out there has a used copy looking for a new home.

Regading Craigs 75 website (thanks 75TS), I don"t seem to be having much luck. Everytime I try to open the zip file (having saved it to my hard drive) I am finding the file rapidly replicates itself on my computer, as if its a viral attack. I can't seem to stop it other than turning my computer off at the mains switch. This is not healthy. It could just be my computer but I'm just a little cautious downloading and opening files from this website. Anyone else had this problem?



Sheldon McIntosh

I've been getting stuff off there for years and have never had a problem.  You have unzipped the file haven't you?

Henry Goodman

Hi Sheldon.

Yep, the replication only seems to happen when I try to unzip the file downloaded from this website. Files from other sources seem fine. I'm not ruling out any issues with my home computer mind you - if others don' have the same problem then I think I know where to point the finger.

At this stage I'm actually after a the workshop manual for the twin spark engine. It's blown the head gasket and I'm considering having a go at fixing it myself. I've done plenty head gasket/engine rebulids on a 105 1600 engine but that was many years ago, and I'm not that familiar with the twinnie. Can't be that tricky can it?




Henry Goodman