A little more power for an 86' GTV6

Started by Sir Lancelot, August 15, 2010, 12:25:49 PM

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Sarcasim font LOL.

That's the  ;) wink emoticon

The link for the sale of the Dirty Dutch 90 is on alfabb.com somewhere ?

I cant find it,that search function on that site is useless.


ALFA 75 3.0

Alfa  75 3.0 qv Potenziata (Black) Concours
Alfa GTV6 GP 3.0
Alfa GTV6 GP 2.5 Concours
Alfa GTV6 SA 3.3 AHMotorsport 250Hp ATW (Grey)
Alfa GTV6 3.0 (Black)

Sheldon McIntosh

Ah ok, there's the problem.  The posts that Parham put up were in 2006, so he probably wouldn't respond to any PMs on the BB.  When I was speaking to him it was Feb 2007 and he'd already sold the 90 by then.  He'd also had in the past a Suzuki SC100 with a big motorbike engine in it, something like a GSXR1000 or something, and at the time I was speaking to him he was driving a Pug 205 GTi 1.9 and a Gallardo.  He raved about the 205...


Hi Sheldon

Thanks for the heads up.

Rush of blood moment did'nt read the first post date....


ALFA 75 3.0

Alfa  75 3.0 qv Potenziata (Black) Concours
Alfa GTV6 GP 3.0
Alfa GTV6 GP 2.5 Concours
Alfa GTV6 SA 3.3 AHMotorsport 250Hp ATW (Grey)
Alfa GTV6 3.0 (Black)

Sheldon McIntosh

This thread is getting a little boring I reckon, but I could be convinced otherwise if anyone else wanted to contribute?

dehne, so you contend that....

-a standard 90 will do 230kph, even though every road test ever published of a 90 seems to agree on 195-205kph
-your car has been chipped, when every expert I've spoken to says that the 90 can not be chipped, including the organisation that you referenced on the first page
-your 'chipped' 90 will do 250kph
-you will not take your car to the track to prove a point, even though appararently it's perfectly fine to do '250kph' on a public road.  Where kids/cats could be crossing.  Dickhead.
-you will not dyno it because work commitments may not allow it, and then 4 days later it's because the suspension needs fixing, presumably because the massive power broke something?

dehne, just think about these facts for a few minutes.  Actually think about them, don't just reply straight away. 

The standard 90 has 156BHP.  The standard 156 GTA has 247BHP
The standard 90 will do 205kph.  The standard 156 GTA will do 250kph (if we believe the higher end of published road tests)
I don't have Cd figures on hand (but enough of a google search will find them I'm sure) but I'd be pretty sure that a 156 GTA would be slightly more slippery than a 90 (but maybe not to a huge degree considering it's much larger surface area and wider tyres).

So the only way a 90 is going to do 250 kph is if it has at least 250BHP surely?  (I actually think it would be more like 280BHP, but lets start with that for now).  Would you agree with this or not?

So which do you think is more likely? 

-That your standard 2.5 with a 'chip' and an exhaust has more power than a 156 GTA
-Your mid-80s digital dash is not entirely accurate


i have been reading this forum for a while now just to see what it is like and i have come to the conclusion that there are to many idiots on here some of you guys are really knowledgeable and others are just plain arseholes, i do not know any of you personaly but you all need to stop being arrogant and hipacritical about this shit, i know that everyone has there own opinion of things and they sometimes need to be aired but to absolutly be completly negative to someone is downright bullshit, you all need to get a grip and start acting ur age and not your shoe size,
im sure oneday dehne will show you what his 90 can do
and good on him if it is that quick you guys just sound a little jelous
well i hope you all can stop the bullshit and let this forum become a little better looking to the new uses who come and dont think that u all are idiots, re the ausalfa site think
anyways thats all i hope to contribute more positivly in the future


Way to introduce yourself alfar156. To quote an earlier post from a long-standing member:

QuoteI think that if you're going to give people advice on a public forum then you can expect that advice to be questioned as to it's veracity.  I also think it's highly irresponsible to post claims which are clearly misleading or mistaken, if not downright lies.  If you can't provide one bit of evidence for your claims then you must expect that they won't be believed, and in fact may be mocked.  If dehne provided evidence that a standard 90 will do 230km/h, that his 90 has been chipped, and that it gave it sufficient power to get to 250km/h I would be the first to humbly apologise for doubting his claims.

Sums this thread up for me, and I suspect many others.

Quoteanyways thats all i hope to contribute more positivly in the future

Really? That's a big goal.

BTW thanks for lending me your sarcastic font Sheldon, works great.

2002 156 GTA


wow alfar156 way to say hi, i do see your point there anbout the users to, and yes one day i will show it and heres hoping it is still up to it to, but should not be to much of a prob though,
yes this thread has gone a long way off topic and i dont mind stiring the pot a little either, ive had a chat with a bloke in bendigo who has a dyno and im looking to put the road 90 and the race 90 on it to see exactly where they are at now, being it has been about 4 yrs since the 90 did those speeds but it has had a engine rebuild since then, will keep you posted in a new thread that is relevant to the 90, and shall stop hijacking this one
1x 85 mdl road 90
2013 Giulietta 1.4
2015 Launch Edition Giulietta
Multiple Alfa 90's, Alfetta's and 147's

Sheldon McIntosh

Quote from: L4OMEO on August 26, 2010, 09:21:49 AM
BTW thanks for lending me your sarcastic font Sheldon, works great.

Anytime bud, I'll need it back soon though.

Quote from: alfar156 on August 26, 2010, 12:45:28 AM
i have been reading this forum for a while now just to see what it is like and i have come to the conclusion that there are to many idiots on here some of you guys are really knowledgeable and others are just plain arseholes, i do not know any of you personaly but you all need to stop being arrogant and hipacritical about this shit, i know that everyone has there own opinion of things and they sometimes need to be aired but to absolutly be completly negative to someone is downright bullshit, you all need to get a grip and start acting ur age and not your shoe size,
im sure oneday dehne will show you what his 90 can do
and good on him if it is that quick you guys just sound a little jelous
well i hope you all can stop the bullshit and let this forum become a little better looking to the new uses who come and dont think that u all are idiots, re the ausalfa site think
anyways thats all i hope to contribute more positivly in the future

Wait a darn minute.   No use of caps, no punctuation, appalling spelling and grammar, claiming that we're 'jelous' of dehne, no cap in your name......This is actually dehne isn't it?

Ironically alfar156, the very reason I have been requesting that dehne prove his claims is to protect new users.  Personally, I spent a lot of time trawling forums when I first got my Alfa, they are a very valuable source of information, which is why I feel that any incorrect information should be pointed out, so that it is not spread any further.  I made it easy for dehne too, all he had to do was prove that a standard 90 could do 230 km/h, as he claimed.  There doesn't seem to be any action on this on his part, which is unusual considering the wealth of information available on the internet.  I would have thought that this would be easier than proving that his particular car can do 250km/h (and also might have been a clue as to why he thinks his car is so fast - maybe, just maybe, his speedo is a little bit optimistic).

By the way, I think it's hilarious that you come on here, calling us arseholes (well, when I say us I assume you mean me.  And maybe Chode...) and then proceed to post on another forum that we are dickheads, "dumbasres[sic] who know nothing", and that "i[sic] hope all there[sic] cars brake[sic] down and cannot get any parts to fix them at a reasonably[sic] price and gotta sell there[sic] left nut".  Are you actually insane?  Again it's hugely ironic that you post in a thread on their forum which is dedicated to calling us names, but yet WE'RE the ones who need to start acting our age.  Fuck me.  For those that haven't seen it, this is the link to the other forum...http://www.ausalfa.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1582&start=15 

And alfar156's words saved for posterity....hi there i agree re the vic club forum, there are a lot of richard heads on there who think they are high and almighty but are just dumbasres who know nothing, just wish you could slap them some times, but there are also some really good guys on there who seem to know a bit and get involved alot, i was thinking about joining the vic club until i was advised by one off the long time members not to because they were to expensive for what you get and socialy some of the committy were a bit daft, so i joined my local car club instead and still run at some of there advents just for the hell of getting on the track,
alfashop have read the apology you wrote on there and those guys are mad i hope all there cars brake down and cannot get any parts to fix them at a reasonably price and gotta sell there left nut

Quote from: L4OMEO on August 26, 2010, 09:21:49 AM
Way to introduce yourself alfar156.

Quote from: dehne on August 26, 2010, 12:22:03 PM
yes this thread has gone a long way off topic

No it hasn't, we're just (still) trying to ascertain whether your claims on the first page are true or not.  Why don't you answer the questions
Quote from: Sheldon Mcintosh on August 26, 2010, 12:06:58 AM
So the only way a 90 is going to do 250 kph is if it has at least 250BHP surely?  (I actually think it would be more like 280BHP, but lets start with that for now).  Would you agree with this or not?

So which do you think is more likely? 

-That your standard 2.5 with a 'chip' and an exhaust has more power than a 156 GTA
-Your mid-80s digital dash is not entirely accurate
in my last post?

Sir Lancelot, it's been a while since we addressed your original question, what was it again?   I'm in the process of putting a 3 litre in mine, just waiting on engine mounts now, but I'm using the same extractors I had on the 2.5, so I'll report back on how it sounds/feels etc in comparison to the 2.5 when it happens.  I'm not entirely convinced I would do it in a road car, but it's a no-brainer in a track car obviously.


2002 156 GTA


yes, you are all arses' holes, all you do is just offend people and turn away valuable members and now that alfashop is gone from our forum we will not be able to buy cheap parts from UK or anywhere overseas at all...
next you will upset Dehne and he will go too and where will we be then...
who will you make fun of then...
you will all be sorry and your cars will rot and all your left nuts will whittle .... and will have to sell the right one to buy parts.....

BTW who sells car parts for nuts ? is that a new interweb thing ?

and i apologise for occasional capitalisation, it is automatic as much as i try to avoid it ....

WTF !!!!!!!


it will take a whole lot more that the selected few on here to piss me off, for the bit of negativity i get here i help alot more people out so i win anyway  ;D
1x 85 mdl road 90
2013 Giulietta 1.4
2015 Launch Edition Giulietta
Multiple Alfa 90's, Alfetta's and 147's


Quote from: dehne on August 27, 2010, 01:08:48 AM
it will take a whole lot more that the selected few on here to piss me off, for the bit of negativity i get here i help alot more people out so i win anyway  ;D

when are you taking the 90 to bendigo for the dyno run ? i might be heading out there next weekend.
"Alfa Romeo built to excite.. Some dream of driving the ideal.. I drive it"

Anthony Miller

When the green flag drops, the bullshit stops!
Now-  '99 156 2.5l V6 (rosso)
         '88 75 3.0l V6 (grigio)
Then- '81 Giulietta 2.0l transplant (ol whitey)
         '82 Giulietta 2.0l transplant (ol brownie)
         '82 Giulietta 2.0l TS transplant (ol red)

david sammartino

hey alfar156, please do come and introduce yourself to me at our next track day you run, that way i can know who you are when im overlapping you for the 2nd or 3rd time in a 5 lap sprint. Honest, its not because id like to slap you behind the neck or anything like that, i mean how could i when id be too busy sourcing spare parts for my broken down car. oh, and thats all in the time while i am trying to think about what exactly i was jealous about. sorry mate, just saying what everyone else was thinking, presumably anybody can correct me if they disagree.

in my opinion ive always thought that there is a reason why people join an official club, ie alfa, compared to other clubs, or in your case simply forums, not targeting any one in particular, and that is because you tend to get along with like minded individuals. hence my point, we are proper hard core alfisti here, we worry about how the car goes, as well as looks, we dont buy our alfas just bc they "look pretty", and we drive them, some other clubs are little more than forums that tend to come and go, this forum is merely an extension of a greater club that has many more things to it. remember that, and remember that when in a few more years when the people on other forums grow up and tire of that type of thing, and it no longer exists,  the aroca vic club will still be here, and most likely the few true alfisti from that group will have no other alternative than to put their tails btw their legs and come crawling over.

p.s. just curious as acting my age and all, how much does a left nut actually fetch these days?? its been a while, does it get more than the right one, or is it relative to demand and so forth???? will i get enough from the sale to buy my much needed spare parts???
marvelous, just marvelous!!