Airbags Used By Date

Started by bix, February 27, 2011, 09:58:02 PM

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I noticed that a sticker on the driver's door indicates that the gas generator used by date has now expired.
Have people out there actually changed this gas generator? Any indications on cost and can they be installed at home?


Yes mine is approaching the use by date, and a few mechanics and i at work had this very discussion at work a few months coming to the conclusion we don't really know!, like what would happen if you tried to get a roadworthy with out of date safety equipment, and a liitle known fact [ to me anyway ], that LPG systems in cars have to be checked every 10 years, otherwise you cannot get a roadworthy for a LPG equipped car, as if there wasn't enough reasons to hate LPG, i have just heard of another reason, perhaps at the 932 Technical night on Friday May the 27th at Maranello Pur Sang Motors we could ask that very question about the airbag gas canisters, Colin.
1974 VW Passat [ist car] 1984 Alfa 33TI [daily driver] 2002 Alfa 156 JTS [daily driver]


Yeps I'm looking forward to that night. I'm armed with questions. I've just received my Eibach pro suspension kit, anti-rollbar kit, nylon bushing kits along with new top and bottom wishbones. Still considering whether to tackle it myself...

Regarding RWC's, I don't believe there is any checks around airbags (at least last time I checked).


Re airbag use by date, i was talking to a Motor Mechanic at work that has a roadworthy licence and he was saying they don't check the use by date of the gas canisters for the airbags, but what they check for is on switching the ignition to on the airbag light and various other warning lights should light up to see that the globes are actually working and if someone is trying to get a roadworthy with a faulty airbag haven't removed the globe, and then after a few seconds the computer runs a check on the airbag system and if it is faulty then the airbag light is on, it is a fail if the airbag light is not visible on turning on ignition, then after the computer has done the check and the airbag light registers a fault, then that is a fail as well, but another comment i heard was that if the gas canisters drop below a certain pressure, there is a sensor that detects low pressure and registers a fault with the airbag system, i suppose like a oil low pressure switch, Colin.
1974 VW Passat [ist car] 1984 Alfa 33TI [daily driver] 2002 Alfa 156 JTS [daily driver]


Well colcol that's interesting. I've unofficially heard (and this sweeping generalisation could get me in trouble) that after Taxis have been in an accident where airbags have been deployed, they are never replaced to save money on the repairs. So technically they would be unroadworthy then.

Jekyll and Hyde

Quote from: bix on March 02, 2011, 09:44:59 PM
Well colcol that's interesting. I've unofficially heard (and this sweeping generalisation could get me in trouble) that after Taxis have been in an accident where airbags have been deployed, they are never replaced to save money on the repairs. So technically they would be unroadworthy then.

Correct.  In Victoria at least, if the system is fitted, it must be operational for a RWC.  If a warning light is on, that is considered unroadworthy, and the computer WILL detect an missing airbag.  Same goes for ABS.

I'd be surprised if a taxi were to actually do that though, the potential for a very damaging lawsuit is immense, and there would be a fair bit of effort involved to cover up the area where the airbag deploys from if one goes off...


That is assuming that the taxi driver is licenced and the taxi is actually registed, as i have heard of taxi's being involved in collisions that are neither, but just let them do 3 kays over the limit and they will be busted, Colin.
1974 VW Passat [ist car] 1984 Alfa 33TI [daily driver] 2002 Alfa 156 JTS [daily driver]


if you knew the licensing and insurance status of taxis in vic you'd be shocked. many are uninsured, some pool some money into a kitty for pay outs etc....

plus some are just friends of the legitimate driver who take over for a few shifts completely uninsured.



And if a taxi bingles your car the 'boss' will come around and offer you in cash about half the cost of the repairs, but don't go to the taxi authorities or police as they are not interested, Colin.
1974 VW Passat [ist car] 1984 Alfa 33TI [daily driver] 2002 Alfa 156 JTS [daily driver]