Pedal power!!

Started by paul edwards, December 13, 2010, 10:57:05 PM

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Hi Neil,  Ah I wasn't aware that you had sold another set down here but that makes sense.  The guy you were thinking of is Norm Henry, he used to cycle a lot, though I havn't seen him out on the bike in ages.  He still has his Fly Yellow Giulia Super, which is setup for events like Targa, given he is a regular competitor.

What do you mean I am showing my age  LOL ;D, because I have had the same bike for so long, that it is a metal frame etc etc ??  but it is black, it is all black say apart from the alloy parts and rims.  Black is cool. I would love to get a carbon fibre frame bike, but for the moment have no spare funds, so the old beast will have to do.
2003 JTS 156 sportwagon
1969 Giulia sedan (x2)
1969 AC Fiat 124 sport

Past: '76 Alfetta 1.8 GT 
        '76 Alfetta 1.8 Sedan
        ' 73 2L Berlina


Riding is certainly a very addictive past time and potentially more expensive that retaining a 105 Series Alfa. I know a few of my riding buddies that feel compelled to upgrade to the latest Pinerelli or Willier every year spend more than my car maintenance budget. (and still not going any faster)
I recently stumbled across this Alfa road bike. I'm not sure how involved Alfa Romeo actually got involved with the design of this frame but it's certainly sweet!  :P
Everyday wheels: Octavia RS & MGB GTV8
Ex caretaker of:
71 (S2) 1750 GTV
147 GTA
63 MGB
71 BMW 2002tii
65 Mk1 GT Cortina
72 Lotus Mk1 Escort
(Yearning for another 105 Series)