Phil's Island April 3 Controversy

Started by Ben33, April 05, 2011, 07:08:44 PM

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Quote from: Paul Gulliver on April 05, 2011, 11:57:36 AM
Great work Greg, you did well to lay a lense on your son Ben. He is a pretty quick little punter. 2.01 in an MX5 isn't to shabby.

Thanks for the compliment mate =) Although as my Dad mentioned apparently a 2.01 is too quick for a 1600cc MX-5 with only suspension modifications not running semi slicks... So apparently my car must be illegally modified far in excess of what is allowed in my mx-5 club class... Some of the stuff my car apparently has done it is very amusing! It is nice to cause a bit of a stir though..! Unbelievable how serious people are though!

I should run the 33 one day for fun =)
1985 Alfa 33 4x4 wagon
1990 Mazda MX-5

Sheldon McIntosh

Quote from: GregSale on April 05, 2011, 12:33:42 PM
Thanks - yeah Ben's pretty quick BUT funny thing is, and this is a major difference between MX5Club and AROCA is that he had 2 formal protests lodged against him by fellow MX5 owners (I had no idea sheep stations got handed out at the end of the year) claiming his car is illegal and has had to have it inspected by a club official, and just now have a compression test done on his 275,000km old engine - I think NC once referred to the collective noun for a group of MX5's as a salon...hmmmm I think he may be onto something there

That's hilarious.  I have no beef about MX-5s, I think they're a great car, and have briefly considered getting one.  But, it would be fair to say that the owners, while not too dissimilar to Alfa owners, have a certain personality characteristic that Alfa owners generally speaking don't.  And I'll leave it at that, but I'm sure all Alfa drivers that have been to a track day know exactly what I mean.

Frank Musco

Nice photos Greg, even the wildlife.

Grouse lap time Ben. Before you know it you'll go under 2 min.
You know your going fast when others are protesting.


What you have neglected to mention is the most important part - the protest was about your vehicle being inelegible for the class that you put it in. 

That protest was upheld and you were removed from that class.

You signed a declaration that it had less than 4 modifications and you were found to have 7 - 5 of them were consider Major.  You even replaced your aftermarket pod filter with a factory one that had holes drilled in it to look less conspicuous. 

That, and the fact that you would rather spout off about it on both this forum and the mx-5 one have made you a laughing stock - you are now recognised as a dishonest competitor and a very sore loser with a big mouth.  You have bought shame upon yourself, your family and your clubs.

One thing MX-5 and Alfa drivers have in common - we dislike dishonest cheats.  You should hang your head in shame at your actions and your words and apologise to those that protested because you sought to beat them through dishonesty and then pointed at them when you were caught out.

If you were a man you would apologize publicly and go face to face to the people that protested against you and apologize to them and beg forgiveness for your dishonesty.

Shame!  You do not have a:


gotta love nameless posts  ;D

HOWEVER.... as he (Ben) has dishonored the family name he shall be cast into exile.... banished from these fair lands for no less than 2 score and eight or until he can prove his honor and valor by climbing the dark and dangerous mountain of truth and slay the dragon of deception with the big gnashy teeth....using NOTHING...yes nothing less than a wooden spoon ... only then shall he be restored to the rightful place within our family...

Quote from: honor on April 09, 2011, 01:12:36 PM
What you have neglected to mention is the most important part - the protest was about your vehicle being inelegible for the class that you put it in.  

That protest was upheld and you were removed from that class.

You signed a declaration that it had less than 4 modifications and you were found to have 7 - 5 of them were consider Major.  You even replaced your aftermarket pod filter with a factory one that had holes drilled in it to look less conspicuous.  

That, and the fact that you would rather spout off about it on both this forum and the mx-5 one have made you a laughing stock - you are now recognised as a dishonest competitor and a very sore loser with a big mouth.  You have bought shame upon yourself, your family and your clubs.

One thing MX-5 and Alfa drivers have in common - we dislike dishonest cheats.  You should hang your head in shame at your actions and your words and apologise to those that protested because you sought to beat them through dishonesty and then pointed at them when you were caught out.

If you were a man you would apologize publicly and go face to face to the people that protested against you and apologize to them and beg forgiveness for your dishonesty.

Shame!  You do not have a:

2007 Spider Black


Dear Mr. Honor, firstly I would like to sincerely thank you for ostracising me from my family and causing me to be cast into exile here is Strahan, Tasmania... Although at least Targa Tasmania is here tonight so I can't complain too much...

Firstly I likewise have to say I love the anonymity of your post, especially considering the personal nature of your attack. And I am likewise impressed by the valour you showed in deciding to post here rather than the mx-5 forum incase you are recognised on there (it's really not that hard to figure out who you are... (despite how clever you think you've been)

Quote from: honor on April 09, 2011, 01:12:36 PM
What you have neglected to mention is the most important part - the protest was about your vehicle being inelegible for the class that you put it in. 

Quote from: Ben33 on April 05, 2011, 07:08:44 PM
.. So apparently my car must be illegally modified far in excess of what is allowed in my mx-5 club class...

I would like to note that the 3 modification in excess of what I am allowed to have in the class are as follows.

3 one inch holes in the side of my airbox (made prior to the fittment of the pod filter)
An OEM Mazda front lip spoiler.
A non functioning viscous differential which is operating as an open differential therefore offering no performance advantage over standard...

However as you point out the fittment of these modifications does make my car illegal for the class and I don't dispute that despite the modifications adding no performance.  I would also like to note the lack of an aftermarket ECU, cams, extractors and the fitment of a standard catalytic convertor in leu of not having one at all as was alleged. I would also like to point out that my compression ratio is actually lower than Mazda specs rather than higher as was also alleged.

You raise my 'sprouting off' on forums and say that I should apologise face to face... This coming from someone who did not come up to me to discuss the issues you obviously had with my car despite us having what i though was quite a good personal relationship... You then launch an official protest behind my back... And you want to talk about honour...

I would like to point out that all correspondence I have made on this issue has been in the public domain... I would also like to point at that at no stage have i hidden modifications on my car... I actually pointed out two of the modifications I was excluded for (the airbox and diff) to the person who inspected my car... That he otherwise would not have found... I have also documented all of the modifications ever made to my car online and in the club magazine, they've always been there for everyone to see.

I would strongly disagree that I am a 'laughing stock', in fact the support that i have received in light of these protests and the subsequent disqualification, have been quite humbling.

1985 Alfa 33 4x4 wagon
1990 Mazda MX-5

Brad M

Quote from: honor on April 09, 2011, 01:12:36 PM

I think you have over-reacted with this post.

Account has been suspended for 7 days, whoever you are s_dorffman, you have not exactly shown yourself in a good light with such a post.

A more calm and mature response would have been better, to clarify your position on a subject not actually related to the spirit of the original thread.

Quote from: Ben33 on April 09, 2011, 06:54:39 PM
I would strongly disagree that I am a 'laughing stock', in fact the support that i have received in light of these protests and the subsequent disqualification, have been quite humbling.

Your no laughing stock, your fast. Just get the car within the rules that you should be competing in, and than smash them again on the time sheet.

I have split this thread to remove the unrelated posts to a Discussion area.
06 147 JTD 1.9
76 116 GT 2.0
72 105 GTV 2.0

Gone... 2x 147 GTA, 2x 90, 2x SudSprint

Next? ...

Brad M

Just clearing up a couple of my points above.

Quote from: Brad M on April 09, 2011, 07:19:47 PM
Account has been suspended for 7 days, whoever you are s_dorffman, you have not exactly shown yourself in a good light with such a post.
This action was only taken because the Registration Rules were not followed, in that an "introduce yourself" post was not given. These introductions are seen as a way of stating your intent to contribute to the culture of the forum. What I assume is Honor's name, was visible from the email contact point, for public view.

Quote from: Brad M on April 09, 2011, 07:19:47 PM
Your no laughing stock, your fast. Just get the car within the rules that you should be competing in, and than smash them again on the time sheet.
I'll state again, get your car within the rules and see if you can do another 2:01 to prove your point.

Quote from: Brad M on April 09, 2011, 07:19:47 PM
I have split this thread to remove the unrelated posts to a Discussion area.
Original thread was for pictures of the event, not discussing deliberate or inadvertent breaches of rules.
06 147 JTD 1.9
76 116 GT 2.0
72 105 GTV 2.0

Gone... 2x 147 GTA, 2x 90, 2x SudSprint

Next? ...

Cool Jesus

I'm fairly new to AROCA and having seen the guys showing off their race footage in other threads which has definitely convinced me into getting myself onto the track with an Alfetta I have stored away, the 12mth wait I have ahead of me though to finish Uni this year is going to kill me. I love the way they can each take the mickey out of themselves that is the real beauty of what I've found within these forums along with the camaraderie and assistance given and offered to fellow AROCA members and even guest posts of fellow Alfisti. What I've gleaned from the forums is that the race days seem to focus on bettering one's self than beating others, and everyone seems to be there to help you achieve this. I hope I can get to a race day soon to see how the days are run. Ben33, as Brad said, keep on truck'n. S_dorfmann (aka honor) same again, as Brad said, 'check yourself before you wreck yourself.' (sorry guys, just saw the movie 'Due Date' and had to say this line out if it)
* '76 Alfetta GTAm 2.0 (project)
* '03 147 2.0 TS
*'12 159 Ti 1750 TBi
* '10 159 2.2 JTS
* '89 164 3.0
* '98 Spider 2.0 TS


gentlemen, please. less talking... more racing!

where can I get tickets to the next race? should be great!