WTB Alfa 33 Dash

Started by 33racer, March 26, 2011, 03:55:42 PM

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Hi all

Im after a Dash for a 1991 Alfa 33. preferred if its located close to the gold coast. Within 200km.

Cheers Steve


Have an instrument cluster and the little hood over it
Rust, nah that's not rust .... its iron oxide!!!

1977 Alfasud ti (race)
1980 Alfasud ti (race)
1987 75 V6 (toy)
2008 147 JDTM (sensible?)


My cluster and hood bit is fine its just i need the rest of the dash cause mine is cracked beyond repair.


Also a dash out of a series 2 or any series 3 model car will do also if anyone has one.

Cheers Steve


Hi Steve. Are you still chasing the dash panel?


hey all
Thanks for all the help, but i no longer require a dash
Regards Steve


Hi all
I am once again after a alfa 33 16v dash or similar style. preferred if its located within 2 hr drive of the gold coast.

Cheers Steve.