Recommendation for electro plating in Melbourne?

Started by Evan Bottcher, April 28, 2011, 04:14:31 PM

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Evan Bottcher

Hi folks,

Any recommendations for someone to do small batches of electro plating for car restoration?  I'm going to get a couple of buckets of small parts and fasteners plated.

I think it's zinc plating for the shiny parts, and black oxide for the black parts?

A recommendation for someone who does a good job at a reasonable rate would be very helpful.

thanks, Evan.
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G'Day Evan,

Try these guys

Master Electroplating

Pretty sure they do Zinc plating not sure about black oxide. Some of our suppliers at work use these processes
for fasteners etc. Ill try and get more contacts tomorrow.


'74 GT 1600 Junior  (Currently under restoration)
'84 Alfetta GCL Sedan
'02 Vespa ET4 150
'05 GT 3.2
'82 Fiat 131 Superbrava Mk II
'82 Alfetta GTV 2.0
'88 75 Twinspark
'80 Alfetta Sedan
'02 147 Twinspark

Barry Edmunds

Try Coburg Platers, off Bakers Road North Coburg. They do a lot of automotive stuff. Have used them and very happy with results



Another recomendation is (might be a bit far though)

Electromech Plating Services

42 Cahill St
Dandenong South Vic
9768 2822

They specialise in this fastener plating and are recommended by one of my suppliers.

If you end up using this option drop me a PM and my contact will call them and

'74 GT 1600 Junior  (Currently under restoration)
'84 Alfetta GCL Sedan
'02 Vespa ET4 150
'05 GT 3.2
'82 Fiat 131 Superbrava Mk II
'82 Alfetta GTV 2.0
'88 75 Twinspark
'80 Alfetta Sedan
'02 147 Twinspark


If you're stuck for the black oxide stuff,  I've used these guys a lot in the past for robotics parts / jigs / gauging.

They do really amazing work - black oxiding can be tricky to get right.  It's a brilliant coating where you want almost zero coating buildup on the parts.    To provide continued corrosion resistance,  the stuff needs to be oiled now and again (ie gun barrels etc)  

It's not really a perfect solution for auto nuts / bolts.    The edges of your fasteners can lose their oxide coating where they are worked by your spanners etc,  and they'll start to rust at those points (where exposed to the elements at least).   Perhaps one of the side benefits of a nice oily alloy twin-cam is how it looks after blued parts along the bottom of the car :)

Having said all that -  all the nuts / bolts look fantastic when you get them back - little oily bags of black reassembly goodness :)

edit:  Black Zinc plating might be worth a look - it will be a little dearer than black oxide - but perhaps longer lived in it's corrosion resistance
'66 Giulia Super 105.28.720988 TS+MS3+ITB+COP
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Good question Evan, I am taking note of this stuff. If you can report an approximate cost of items you've had plated that too will definetly assist in budgeting for a project.
'66 Veloce Grigio Grafit
'58 Touring Spider 2000

Bojan Turk

Branko has been looking at the electromech guys, out of everyone we called they were the only ones who could do both barrell and tied, and the only ones who do proper alkaline as well as acid cleaning. (only called about 5 guys though)

they definitley do small batches, and there usually isnt the 3-5 week wait time of other shops.