8C's in Europe Rally

Started by Mark Baigent, September 24, 2011, 11:19:46 AM

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Mark Baigent

A good Austrian friend of mine has just posted photos on my Facebook page of the 3rd 8C's in Europe Rally currently being held there.
She never thought they would be so beautiful and described them as "pleasure to the eyes" ...

If you're on Facebook then click to this link to see her images - https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150388306720797.411039.138696655796&type=1

If not then click to this link to see similar images - =1316491200&tx_anameraevents_pi2[filter]=RUN]http://www.finecars.cc/it/calendar/event/alfa-romeo-quot8c039s-in-europequot/index.html?no_cache=1&tx_anameraevents_pi2[start]=1316491200&tx_anameraevents_pi2[filter]=RUN

How fortunate the Europeans are to see so many rare and legendary vehicles in the one place !