C&S Member Profile

Started by massiveluvbuddy67, December 16, 2011, 10:16:28 PM

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Hi Alfa Club membership base,
Over the next couple of weeks (when I have some down time at work), I would like to get some articles developed for our club magazine in 2012. I was thinking of a "member profile" one pager. If you are interested can you send an email to me at phil.nas@iinet.net.au with some interesting answers to the following questions and please attach at least one high resolution photo of you and your Alfa (current, previous it doesn't matter). More than one photo is fine as I am sure our Editor will make you look good!  ;)

I am keen to see some new faces in the magazine.

Questions to answer and send to me with your photo/s:
1. Who are you and where do you live (state, not street address)?
2. When did you join your Alfa branch and why?
3. When did you know you had an Alfa afflication?
4. Favourite Alfa and why?
5. Most memorable Alfa moment.
6. What do you like most about your Alfa club?
7. If I did not own an Alfa I would own....?

I am keen to encourage interstate contributions too. I would only like respones from paid up Alfa Club members please.
Best Regards


Thanks Paul and a great suggestion! We have many supportive and enthusiastic younger members, Paul and I would really like to encourage your participation in this endeavour.

For example, at the last "dryish" Spetacollo in 2010, I saw come amazing "blinged" Alfa Romeos from younger enthusiasts. There was great effort, passion and enthusiasm in these cars! Either Paul or I would love to do a "member article" with your involvement.

Lastly, Alpine Members, Goldfield members, new members (please) etc etc are especially encouraged too!

Your car can be a $500 work horse to a $1m rare beast we are not fussed. It is the member story we are after.

Don't be shy please...Paul and I will be procative otherwise!  ;D
Best Regards
Phil (and on behalf of Paul too)

John Hanslow

I will request the Register captains to contribute as well. 

This idea has been the topic for discussion in the club over the years so it's good we can get it moving.

I think about 100 words and a quality photo (not mobile) would be a good idea.
2011 Giulietta QV

1989 164 3.0  V6
2002 156 Twin Spark Sports Edition
2002 147 Twin Spark
2002 916 Spider Twin Spark
1990 Alfa 75 Potenziata


Thanks John,
I have a couple in the pipeline and I would like to encourage, new members, older or those with modified cars or unrestored cars to get in contact with me. It is about the passion!
I would really like to interview and write an article for the C&S on anyone who has an early eighties Giulietta or Alfetta (a sportiva would be brilliant!). How about that rare beauty a Sprint or a 33?
Please get in contact with me or dob in a friend and I will get in contact with them!
Best Regards

David Mills

Phil, I know where there is an almost dead Sportiva which could possibly be winkled out of its present ownership if anyone could see merit in that.  (Far NE Vic)
Cheers Dave


Hi Dave,
How about a piece on the 4R for the mag? Do you want to provide me some answers to the q's and and a couple of good photos?

The Sportiva: I am already in trouble at home, don't you like me?  ;D

Neil Choi

Phil, I like you.  I have an early eighties Giulietta that I can give to you.

David Mills

Phil, I think Barry has plans for an article on the Z4R and will do much better job than I