WTB: MOMO steering wheel boss

Started by michaeljc, January 13, 2012, 09:32:59 AM

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Lack of knowledge for me around which boss suits 84gtv whilst possibly I look for second hand one if possible rather than new.

Autobarn say same boss fits all GTVs.
Most websites and other shop say that different Alfetta boss after 1982

Also I can get a 2nd hand 75 boss but I'm not sure it would fit my 1984GTV.

I suspect that many of you have already sorted out what fits what so wondering if someone can clarify:
1. If a 75 boss will fit gtv?
2. If an early GTV wheel fits a later GTV?

I suspect that a different code no. on a boss may be  because of a minor difference that would not affect fitment ... it may affect indicator self cancelling mechanism for instance as later GTV is different from earlier GTV.

MOMO Italia listings show:
ALFETTA 1982> .... MOZZO C1009 AM (no info for pre 1982)
75 ...... MOZZO C1011 AM - AMD (same as 90 and 33 up to 1989)

Another listing from Australian Momo supplier shows:
Alfetta to 1981 ...... C1003 (aka. 1003B)
Alfetta from 1982 .... C1006 (aka. 1006B)
75, 33, 90 ......C1009 (aka. 1009B)

Hope this topic is useful for a few.
2001 Subaru WRX
1999 Subaru WRX STI
1984 Alfetta GTV

john m

Hi Michael,
I was in the same situation about 3 years ago. I needed a boss for my '84 GTV6. I also went to Autobarn and purchased an Autotecnica boss recomended by Autobarn. When I removed the original wheel from my car it was clear that the boss was incorrect. The boss" part of the Alfa steering wheel has has a projection with internal splines, as you tighten down the shaft nut the the projection stops at a particular height on the shaft. The Autotecnica boss has a very short projection to suit the earlier Alfetta GT & GTVs, and it was clear that if I had tightened it down, it would have crushed the indicator mechanism.
I got a total refund from the shop and also went to see the owner of Autotecnica in Thomastown with the original wheel to explain the difference. He was very interested and explained the Alfa bosses are made in Italy and that he would look into it.
It appears that Autotecnica has not updated their catalog, so I would'nt hold Autobarn responsible, their just working with info from the supplier.
I eventually got one from Revolution Race Gear in Blackburn or you could try Demon Tweeks in UK. Bought lots from them, very quick with orders.

84: GTV6 White-stock
84: Giulietta Red-club sprints
69: GTV1750 Red-on blocks
71: Berlina 2000 man.-UK import


What about a Part # 1002  boss kit ? will that do ?
'66 Veloce Grigio Grafit
'58 Touring Spider 2000


If you are still looking I have some new ones for $70 each...will fit 75, 90, Alfetta, Giulietta & 164.


Sorry, I ment to say they are MOMO in boxes (mostly)


Got one here that fitted to my '74 GTJ for sale.


thanks to all. i tried out all jim's momo units without luck. so i've settled on the autotecnica one from rev. racegear (thanks johnm) even though not fit momo horn button.

plus fyi i ordered a 30mm and a 50mm spacer from usa to try and get position better ... plus maybe then will fit in the horn button as well. ..... i'll update thread on progress .... cheers to all
2001 Subaru WRX
1999 Subaru WRX STI
1984 Alfetta GTV