Started by lombardi, January 02, 2012, 04:01:51 PM

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If you have a crankshaft that is a bit soft it is not neccesary a bad thing, as when you have 2 surfaces running against each other, one is soft and one is hard, then the hard surface will wear out first, why is that so?, because any grit or rubbish in the oil will embed itself in the soft material, and will scratch the harder material, so your hard bearing shells will be sacrificed, so that the crank remains scratch free, so if all goes well, when you recondition your engine, throw away your bearing shells, put some new ones in and importantly, have your crankshaft linished, and when they linish it, run the crankshaft in reverse, so that any grit embedded, faces the other way, and wash all the grit off with soapy water, the crank bearings and crankshaft shouldn't touch each other as they will be lubricated with a film of oil,, except when the owner of the car has let the oil level run down, and then you get metal to metal contact,- ouch!, Colin.
1974 VW Passat [ist car] 1984 Alfa 33TI [daily driver] 2002 Alfa 156 JTS [daily driver]


The Age drive section 12\1\2012,, "surprising facts about the rapidly changing world of cars", by Toby Hagon, OIL USE IN NEW CARS IS HIGHER THAN IT WAS DECADES AGO,  Can't remember the last time you popped a bonnet on a car?, You're not alone, with many drivers content with leaving the dirty, greasy stuff to the service centre. Yet if you have just bought a modern car with the latest technology you may have to familiarise yourself with how to top up the oil. In the hunt for fuel efficiency, engine tolerances are tighter than ever and the cars are called on to do more. One of the downsides has been high oil use on some models. Various Audi's and Volkwagon's, for example, can use up to one litre of oil every 1,000 kilometres before the company considers there is a fault with the car. With 15,000 kilometre service intervals now commonplace on new cars, that means you could have to carry a dozen litres of oil, just in case, Colin.
1974 VW Passat [ist car] 1984 Alfa 33TI [daily driver] 2002 Alfa 156 JTS [daily driver]


If you had a Volkswagon or Audi that used 1 litre of oil every 1,000 ks, but VAG said it was still ok, then you would never have to change the oil as every 4,000 ks you would have fresh oil, [4 litres per 4,000 ks], you would just have to make sure the filter was changed every year, but some new Audi cars don't have a dipstick, [except for driver], so you would have to wait for dashboard light to say check the oil level, and people complain about the JTS....., Colin.
1974 VW Passat [ist car] 1984 Alfa 33TI [daily driver] 2002 Alfa 156 JTS [daily driver]