Wanted - Alfa Giocattolo Group B - For magazine Feature

Started by ND Photography, January 27, 2012, 12:00:15 PM

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ND Photography

Hi all

I'm a freelance photographer and i have a magazine wanting to run a feature on this particular model.

I know there aren't too many around so any available from Sydney to Brisbane would be fine.

There was one recently at the Speed , Style & Beauty event here in Brisbane - Ken Percival i think is the owner. If anyone can put me in contact with Ken it would be appreciated

Please feel free to email me or pm me - Details below

Cheers, Nathan




Hi there! If you put a similar request on turbo124.com you might have some success. An active member has a very nice white one and he is also a great guy! Car is located in Melbourne. All the best with your hunt, Ren.


KP isn't hard to track down - see AROCA Qld web site Committee page for contact info.


There is also a thread on the giocattolo on turbo 124. Get in touch with importer he worked at the factory