NOS 105 GT items - plenty for sale

Started by pancho, February 23, 2012, 11:50:08 AM

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Ok, feedback required here - The Used items listed should be:

Left listed where they are now
4 (44.4%)
Put all into a general 'Used' section
1 (11.1%)
Put into their own individual sections - mechanical, interior, coachwork, lighting
4 (44.4%)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 9


Hi guys - as you all probably know I'm restoring my 66 GTV. In my search for bits and pieces, I found that some repro items for sale are nowhere near OEM quality. There is however some NOS (new old stock) items floating around out there if you have the time/interest to look for it and chase leads. I spend a lot of time doing just that.

So when I come across stuff that there might be 2 or 3 of I buy it and keep some items for my project - the rest is for sale.

If you are interested in original items, then I have started up a private online site that specialises in NOS items - I can't be bothered with Ebay and their rules/fees. For now the site is still being worked on and will be for some time until I get it working 100% correct so bear with me please.

No, it's not cheap - and no, it's not a day job for me. But as most of you know I am legit and you can collect the bits off me if it suits both parties -or I can ship them. Anyway - enough with the intro - here it is:

Online ordering via the cart is working but the shipping pricing and type of shipping needs to be worked out soon - so just follow through the sign up process and disregard the shipping prices for the moment. I'll send you the total via email.

New stuff comes and goes every week - if you want something found let me know and I'll see what I come up with.

No price means I am yet to set one - but the item is for sale.

Sheldon, if there are typos or grammatical errors please be kind. Evan is already my first shop client.  ;D

'66 Veloce Grigio Grafit
'58 Touring Spider 2000


Nice one, congrats
Nice, clean, easy to read - well done!
I know how hard it can be to get these things from Dev to Prod.

Where's my Duetto bits  ;D

'66 Duetto (lacework of doom)
'73 1600 GT Junior (ensconced)
'03 156 1.9JTD Sportwagon (daily driver)


Very cool! Nicely laid out and searchable. Perhaps even add a option on your contacts page for requests, as I know you have heard of alot of NOS sitting on shelves around the world.

Edit: Just saw the wishlist button on the right  :)

Do you mind if I chuck a link to your site on my website?


Thanks guys!

Yes, I will try and incorporate as much as I can and feedback on the site is welcome. I'm not a webdev by any means so it's a massive learning curve.

Craig - if you want I'll kick off a duetto section.

The main aim is to provide hard to find original bits. If you have a list of items you'd like me to find pls shoot me an email with them.

Derek - I have a field now under the contact us page - select the drop down box - Find my NOS item please!
'66 Veloce Grigio Grafit
'58 Touring Spider 2000


Well done Pancho, looks great.

I'll be checking by box o bits tonight to check a couple of things and probably order a couple of parts.
1967 Giulia Sprint GT Veloce - (WIP) Strada
1977 Alfetta GTV Group S - Corsa - For Sale (,9600.0.html)
2009 159 JTS Ti


That is a whole lot of shiny awesomeness in an easy to find place mate - what a Herculean effort !

'66 Giulia Super 105.28.720988 TS+MS3+ITB+COP
'65 Giulia Sprint GT 105.04.753710
'04 156 JTS Sportwagon

Earlier follies...
'66 Duetto 105.05.710057
'85 GTV6
'71 1750 GTV


Derek - yeah dude for sure, I'd appreciate that. The wishlist is a dangerous tool !

Phil, thanks and no worries - stuff is coming in every other day so verify what you may need and let me know.

Thanks Scott ! we need to get back to that mini project soon too - plus I want a ride in that Super Duper!
'66 Veloce Grigio Grafit
'58 Touring Spider 2000


I've added a poll and it ended at the top of the page - ugh.

Some feedback has brought about the fact that although the shop is called 'NOS Alfa Shop' there are used items in there. While the descriptions clearly state the item is used, this might be over looked by some people.

What do you guys think - and Evan - can I move the Poll to a new post or does the AROCA Vic CMS have to list it up top ?
'66 Veloce Grigio Grafit
'58 Touring Spider 2000

Evan Bottcher

Yeah the poll affects the whole thread, not just a single reply.  You can delete and recreate in another thread?  I can't split it unfortunately.
Newest to oldest:
'13 Alfa Mito QV
'77 Alfasud Ti
'74 Alfasud Sedan
'68 1750 GTV
--> Slow and Fun - my Alfa journal


I debated with myself to make any comment here or not, and in doing so, I really hope I don't offend anyone, but if I do I unreservedly apologise in advance, and am perfectly accepting for my comments to be removed, even more so if I have broken the rules for commenting in this section, given my past hopeless record here.  Moderators you don't need to pm if I have as I happy to realise if I have.

Also, and just to be clear, I think what Pancho is offering is excellent, and I am sure plenty will take advantage of what he has so diligently tracked down, which so many of us simply don't have the time or energy to do so, so please don't howl me down.  Who knows even I might succumb to the temptation of wanting some NOS parts or hard to find good condition 2nd hand parts, that is if Pancho might wish to sell to me after these comments.   :-[

But I would really like to ask a question or at least try to make a small point, irrespective of whether or not anyone agrees with me.

The first point is in respect of what Pancho noted upfront in his first comment on the thread, that being "I found that the repro items for sale are nowhere near OEM quality."  My question is whether or not this really is so, or rather just his opinion, due to or based on the desire and perhaps means to track down all original parts for his restoration project.  If there are objective reasons to make such a statement than that is fine and I am happy to accept this.

I only query this as I (a) I am not sure I personally agree with such an observation from my experience in buying plenty of repro parts for my two project 105s and perhaps and more so (b), I would suspect that companies such as Alfaholics, Classic Alfa etc etc might take afront at such claims.

I think I would seriously have to challenge anyone who would suggest that their quality is inferior or not up to the desired standard for the most part.  Afterall, from my understanding companies such as these have significant Alfa experience, and probably more so than many of us here posting, in all 105 models, and have spent considerable time, effort and money in having new (repro) parts made for us, the Alfa enthusiast so that we can repair/rebuild our cars, but at, for the most part, a reasonable cost rather than an expensive cost.

Sure if you go to the high end of the performance end of the parts they offer these too are mostly out of the league of perhaps the general Alfa public and really only of interest/affordability to those with serious deep pockets, and again I seriously would doubt that anyone could suggest to the contrary that the quality is anything other than fabulous.  Afterall you only have to look at the various project cars companies such as Alfaholics have built up.

I am perfectly happy to accept that not all repro parts are great, for I am well aware of the concerns regarding some of the door seals for both GTVs and sedans that are being offered out there, but on the other hand, similarly the quality of the lighting, mechanical bits, rare trims etc in my view are perfectly fine.  

As I say, this is simply my opinion, and I am not trying to deride what Pancho is trying to achieve/offer, but rather perhaps seeking for a little balance in such comments being made concerning the quality, vrs availability and/or price in respect of NOS vrs Reproduction parts.  That is all.  

Ok, I am expecting some flak now, so fire away.
2003 JTS 156 sportwagon
1969 Giulia sedan (x2)
1969 AC Fiat 124 sport

Past: '76 Alfetta 1.8 GT 
        '76 Alfetta 1.8 Sedan
        ' 73 2L Berlina


Hey David,

I take no offence to what you have written - quite the opposite.

If you're ever in Victoria I would LOVE to show you physical examples of NOS items and then what the repro looks like to let you decide. That being said there are certain items such as the GTA replica wheels that the UK guys get made - top quality as well as the items that they themselves make inhouse - great quality and I am more than happy with them.

Different people are after differing levels of quality. Those who have bought repro items and are not happy with the quality know what I am talking about.

I've modified the sentence for you. I've added 'some' repro items. Hopefully that puts your mind at ease.
'66 Veloce Grigio Grafit
'58 Touring Spider 2000


Phew Pancho, thankyou, I seriously didn't wish to offend you, especially since I realise the passion you have for all of this.  I too actually have this as well.

I would be most happy to have a look at what you are talking about when possible.  I just wished to query if this was so or not. That is all.  I certainly wish you all the very best with your endeavours as I admire the efforts you are making.  I wish I had the time and or well you know everything else to do be able to do so.   

Anyway, glad all is cool. How is progress going on your GT Veloce restoration going, I am envious you know of this, for my projects remain at a standstill while house rennos take all the cash and time.
2003 JTS 156 sportwagon
1969 Giulia sedan (x2)
1969 AC Fiat 124 sport

Past: '76 Alfetta 1.8 GT 
        '76 Alfetta 1.8 Sedan
        ' 73 2L Berlina

Evan Bottcher

I hadn't noticed that this was in the buy/swap/sell section... the rules for this forum section are intended to prevent a discussion breaking out which almost invariably leave someone annoyed.

Can we move this discussion elsewhere?  Unless someone has a specific question about an item for sale.
Newest to oldest:
'13 Alfa Mito QV
'77 Alfasud Ti
'74 Alfasud Sedan
'68 1750 GTV
--> Slow and Fun - my Alfa journal


Added a few more items to the site including this new ashtray housing and quarter glass holders. More interesting and rare stuff arriving this week and next. SOLD

Coming very soon - more Interior courtesy lights and carello tail light reflectors/lenses and original window gaskets
'66 Veloce Grigio Grafit
'58 Touring Spider 2000

Sportscar Nut


Fantastic work and am very keen to find some time to checkout some of the parts for sale in person. Can't knock David's comments as it is his opinion but do believe it's all about what you want to achieve with your car. I am rather 'obsessive' about using only NOS parts on my 1750 as the car is basically original with low miles and have typically been disappointed with most repo parts purchased from the English sites mentioned. I have never complained about the parts purchased as the parts descriptions are clear (ie NOS or repo) but learnt a lesson about what I want to achieve with my vehicle.

All the best