2003 147 GTA versus 2004 GT ... what would you buy?

Started by Rigi, February 24, 2012, 11:48:06 AM

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I know these are 2 quite 'different' cars however I would be interested to read people's thoughts as to which one they would buy and why.

whilst fairlt familiar with what to watch for in the GTA I am not so aware of the GT's potential 'issues' (beyond a Q2 being mandatory !)

Such a dilemma I know ... and no ... buying both would not be an option

Look forward to and appreciate your comments :-\
2010 GT 3.2 100 year Anniversary
1977 Alfetta GTV - Grp s
1974 GTV105 Resto (wip)
1977 Alfetta GTV Normal Roadie on Historics

1980 Alfetta sedan('prettyboy')
1986 Alfetta GTV6GP
1985 Alfetta GTV6
1984 Alfetta GTV
1980 Alfetta Sedan
1978 Alfetta Sed



1.  More refined
2.  Slightly more quiet
3.  Very similar performance to GTA
4.  More prone to have been "handled with care" by previous owner due to target market of vehicle

147 GTA

1.  Much more flair
2.  More chuckable due to shorter wheelbase
3.  Possibly misused/abused due to appeal to "boy racer" types

Both have very similar spec's.  I am surprised by how "badly" 147 GTA's have devalued.

In any case, (apologies to current establishment for this comment) I think asking this particular question on Ausalfa.com forum would produce more replies due to the type of Alfa owners frequenting that forum.


Thanks for the input and appreciate your comments
2010 GT 3.2 100 year Anniversary
1977 Alfetta GTV - Grp s
1974 GTV105 Resto (wip)
1977 Alfetta GTV Normal Roadie on Historics

1980 Alfetta sedan('prettyboy')
1986 Alfetta GTV6GP
1985 Alfetta GTV6
1984 Alfetta GTV
1980 Alfetta Sedan
1978 Alfetta Sed


I have no first hand experience with either and so my opinions can Only be based on which I think I might prefer. My age, 51 might also be a factor in my views, but I think I would prefer the Gt. I recall top gear tested the 147 Gita and at the limit they thought it was over powered for FWD. I have driven a 99 gtv6 and gtv and enjoyed it, strangely enough they kind of reminded me of my S1 1750 gtv.
2003 JTS 156 sportwagon
1969 Giulia sedan (x2)
1969 AC Fiat 124 sport

Past: '76 Alfetta 1.8 GT 
        '76 Alfetta 1.8 Sedan
        ' 73 2L Berlina


Quote from: Davidm1750 on March 08, 2012, 09:06:22 PM
I recall top gear tested the 147 Gita and at the limit they thought it was over powered for FWD.

Which made them grin a lot :) I don't think anyone could find a sensible/practical excuse for a GTA but its an "interesting" car. But I agree, the GT is a more of a sleeper, stylish enough to be more than acceptable in any company and more practical (huge boot if you fold down the back seats). Or to put it another way... A GT you can take anywhere, including home to meet mum but she is still a lot of fun under the covers. The GTA...

Personally I'd pick the GT. I've never driven either car but have found it impossible to avoid the urge to "try them on" in a showroom


Quote from: mostro on March 08, 2012, 03:48:14 PM

1.  More refined
2.  Slightly more quiet
3.  Very similar performance to GTA
4.  More prone to have been "handled with care" by previous owner due to target market of vehicle

147 GTA

1.  Much more flair
2.  More chuckable due to shorter wheelbase
3.  Possibly misused/abused due to appeal to "boy racer" types

Both have very similar spec's.  I am surprised by how "badly" 147 GTA's have devalued.

I should have mentioned.  My comments are from personal experience.

Owned 147 GTA from new between 2004-2007.  Traded in on a 2.2 Brera (what a waste!!)
Owned 2 V6 GT's and now drive a 156 GTA.

As Darryl mentioned, You will be amazed at the load capacity of the GT with the seats down. I'd be going the GT personally,, but if you were considering a 156 GTA, I'd be changing my advice....156 GTA all the way.