Arachnophobia .....Not Really

Started by Gotta B Red, July 06, 2012, 09:14:01 AM

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Gotta B Red

Hi All,
I saw this little beauty the other day on Carsales, it's in Brisbane. Thought I better share if you've not already spotted it.
Almost, (within a bee's appendage) of sayin' "Take me to your leader"  I used a bib, so I've left no precious bodily fluids behind.
It looks as if it's just rolled of the New Car showroom floor .... pristine condition! It's an '04, 3.2, Red over Tan with 36,000 something Kms
I did NOT test drive it, as I fear it may have an 8 year old cam/timing belt.

In the end I could not justify/rationalise buying it, no matter how hard I tried, and try I did. I really had to shout long and loud at the little boy within.He's still a little bruised and tearful but I'm sure he'll live to fight another day.

I'm having trouble making a hyperlink but just search their website and you'll find it.If you're looking for one of these it could be just the ticket.


Gotta B Red

That's the one, the current owner is it's third and he acquired the car in 2008.
I'm told it was first ordered and owned (only weeks) by an elderly gent that suffered a medical condition and was left with a disability rendering him unable to get into/out of a sports car. What a cryin' shame and bloody bad luck!
It then passed to another owner and was hardly or rarely used. I have no explanation for such behaviour.

Up close and personal it's a stunning vehicle to look at, in case you are a bit sus of some of the pics (as I was ) rest assured there are no blemishes whatsoever. I was told the diff has been done but I'd be a little concerned about the cam/timing belt. I think it is it's first(original)
That little boy within still won't shut-up, just might have to resort to drastic measures and re-discover the long-chained molecule.



Well the chances of finding another Phase 3 V6 Spider in such condition and mileage are quite slim, and a timing belt change really is routine maintenence that you'll need to do on any car eventually...

John Hanslow

QuoteWell the chances of finding another Phase 3 V6 Spider in such condition and mileage are quite slim, and a timing belt change really is routine maintenence that you'll need to do on any car eventually...

It may be the same Qld car sold on car sales about 1 year ago for about the same price.  It had done 25k kms then if the same car.

Looks great but it would be interesting to know if it may now need a major service with water pump etc.

Also a dealer mentioned that with the GTV's and spiders,  it would be time to replace the rear shockers to improve the handling.

2011 Giulietta QV

1989 164 3.0  V6
2002 156 Twin Spark Sports Edition
2002 147 Twin Spark
2002 916 Spider Twin Spark
1990 Alfa 75 Potenziata

Gotta B Red

I haven't really been looking at Spiders, it was an accidental discovery when I changed search parameters.
I'd love to buy it, but it would be just a tad on the selfish side, for me, it's in a very similar bag to an MV Agusta f4 Brutale and would wreak similar social consequence.
Four doors or at the very least four seats would be a lot more responsible course to steer at the mo'

I mentioned the car for general consumption and info for all members that may be interested for whatever reason.
Not sure whether it's the same car or not I haven't been looking that long at Alfas hardly at all at Spiders.The owner did say he acquired it in 2008 from Adelaid SA, It was initially sold new by Prestige Motors I've been informed.
I sure do think it should have a cambelt(could be 8yrs old) and I'd take the "while you're down there" approach to the coolant pump as well. I've heard a good few repairers do anyway.

Sheldon McIntosh

I'd be a bit wary of someone selling a car like that, that claims it has a straight 6; he's obviously never opened the bonnet.  And then there is the bloody ugly looks... (just my opinion, no need to flame me).

Gotta B Red

No pyrotechnics from me Sheldon, like you, I too noted the anomalies in the description as I'm sure many others have.

The sole purpose of my mention of this car was to inform or pass on, that I had eyeballed this car and it IS stunning.

Despite the model or type not being your cup of tea it will appeal to many,me included. And the tryanny of distance may well be the inhibiting factor for some, and they may find it a comfort or some measure of solace/service to know that it has been viewed by someone independant of the seller and that the images have not been doctored "photoshopped" to present something that is not accurate or a blatant misrepresentation.
I am only new to this forum and I'm by no means an expert, and make no claims in that regard.I'm not a mechanic or engineer and cannot attest to the mechanical soundness of this car, what I do know or have been advised, I have reported,perhaps some emotion was included.
Red Alfas do that to me, I aplogise. I'm not sure if it was the red 'Duetto' or Catherine Ross that stirred my soul,pulled at my heart strings in the late 60's but whatever it was I've had a secret love of Alfa Spiders ever since.

As for it being ugly ..... beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Unfortunately we will just have to differ on that point but that's OK.I have it on good authority the sun is still coming up tomorrow.
My own view is Alfa have never made an ugly car ..... perhaps some that may be described as plain but not ugly.
That said, I find it a strange and preverse circumstance indeed that the Fiat Group has puchased a controlling interest in (jumped into bed with) an American company that makes nothing but ugly cars. For the Chrysler design studio boffins ugly cars are the 'Specialitie de la maison'. Boxes on wheels and nothing more,not a curve in sight.
This may well prove to be a fruitful union, spawning good looking cars and dare I say it, trucks. But from a genetic inheritance perspective, the potential for some very ugly ducklings is ever present.

I'd never speak ill of the dead, and if the recently reported (on this forum) demise of Sergio Pininfarina is in any way implicated, particularly when viewed in the context of the old theory that "Art" never pays enough whilst you're alive only post mortem is the true worth realised.
Then all Pininfarina designs, cars and other objects have just had a shot in the arm in a value and desirability sense.
I realise that the studio will go on under the direction of Paolo, Sergio's son and grandson of Battista Farina. So perhaps that theory may be somewhat diluted by the persistence of the dynasty.
Nonetheless his design is legendary and for some, his work(s) are truly masterpieces of industrial art.
The world of design will be a poorer place for his loss and he will be missed by the thousands he has fondly affected and influenced.
We can only hope we witness a similar flair, zeal and desire from his son.



I don't know about flames - more like stones and glass houses...

Quote from: Gotta B Red on July 07, 2012, 09:16:46 AM
My own view is Alfa have never made an ugly car ..... perhaps some that may be described as plain but not ugly.

Has to be the nicest description anyone has ever applied to some of the Alfas Sheldon has owned :)

The spider/GTV styling has grown on me over the years. It was outright shocking (in a love it or hate it way) when they first came out in 1996 or so but that probably only shows it was leading edge styling at the time.

Gotta B Red

I'm always nice, unless I have good reason not to be, and it does have to be good.

When you say came out around '96 do you mean the transverse engine models? As my love of the Spider started in High School,(60s) It was a schoolboy crush on either the Alfa (driven by Dustin Hoffman) or what it could do ..... as a Fanny Magnet. Catherine Ross was just drop dead GORGEOUS. In hindsight it was likely the latter.
I know it's just Hollywood, but it is and was the way schoolboys think ..... maybe not just schoolboys!
I'd like to know what impact on sales that movie had for the Alfa Duetto, I had never ever seen one before, or anything like it. At the time, sports cars in Oz were a largely British affair, there's very few others I can recall.
Benz perhaps but in a different league, Vettes,Camaros etc don't count either, nothing against them in their time and place but it's a long bow comparing those behemoths to an Alfa Duetto.


Quote from: Gotta B Red on July 08, 2012, 05:29:34 PM
I'm always nice, unless I have good reason not to be, and it does have to be good.

When you say came out around '96 do you mean the transverse engine models?

Yes. But now I think about it it must have been 1998 by the time I saw one in the flesh (when ATECO reintroduced Alfa Romeo in oz). I have memories of seeing one as a raffle prize in a shopping centre and it was drawing considerable reaction.

Quote from: Gotta B Red on July 08, 2012, 05:29:34 PM
As my love of the Spider started in High School,(60s) It was a schoolboy crush on either the Alfa (driven by Dustin Hoffman) or what it could do ..... as a Fanny Magnet. Catherine Ross was just drop dead GORGEOUS. In hindsight it was likely the latter.
I know it's just Hollywood, but it is and was the way schoolboys think ..... maybe not just schoolboys!

I don't think many would dispute the all time classic/icon status of the 105 Spider from a styling perspective and it was also miles ahead of British sports cars mechanically (though to be fair it wasn't exactly cheap). I also don't doubt its "pulling power". But I see the later fwd spider as being a very different car - my views on one don't really impact the other...

Gotta B Red

Yes, I agree they are very different cars, unfortunately I've never had the pleasure of driving either.
I also recall seeing one as a "raffle" prize in a shopping centre one of those art union,Boystown or SLSA sort of deals, maybe Carindale,not sure.
To be fair to Sheldon, I do understand about the "ugliness" of some cars and can see why he might say that about the later model Spiders.
At first sight I was left scratching my head somewhat after giving the little red raffle prize the 'Once over' from every angle and don't mind admitting that when I got to the tail/rear end I was left thinking and a little underwhelmed that the design had been left a little unfinished, perhaps truncated might be an apt description.

Maybe designed on POETS day (Friday). A sacred day, recognised and observed by numerous car design studios.
A number of models come to mind, when viewed from any angle but the rear or aft quarters, they are magnificent and a triumph of design.
But look at the arse end and you could be easily forgiven for thinking the design boffin had a hot date on friday night and wasn't going to miss it for quids.
I understand that imperative,but there's always Monday to tidy things up.
