NOS 1750 GT / Giulia Super inner Carello headlights

Started by pancho, September 19, 2012, 08:26:09 PM

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I've got two sets of NOS inner 1750 GT headlights due to arrive shortly (one set sold) - I believe they also fit Giulia Supers. PM me if interested.

They are the cursive Carello script type - here is one that has already arrived.

'66 Veloce Grigio Grafit
'58 Touring Spider 2000


Possibly interested. I would assume they fit my 2000 GTV 1973?  Would like a contact for tail light lenses too if thats possible. Cheers Geoff


Hmm never assume anything in the Alfa world  - I'll check the part numbers.

Please PM me the info you've got on your current lights (bowl and glass) and what lenses you're after.
'66 Veloce Grigio Grafit
'58 Touring Spider 2000