For Sale - 105 GT Interior Courtesy lights (grab handles)

Started by pancho, July 08, 2012, 09:42:15 PM

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My last post for a while I promise.  :D

I have one set of very good used 2 litre GT interior courtesy lights (grab handles with chrome strip and small meshed window ) and one set of the early 105 GT type (grab handles all black and solid lense).

Both sets are in very good condition with minimal patina, good lenses and unburnt (not melted) connector points and both are polished alloy type (same as the last NOS set I sold) - so you can just polish them to a mirror shine when they get dull. Not a lot of time on my hands so I've not made a huge attempt to clean these up (so what you see is what you get I've also tried not to capture too much metal reflection).

I will not be getting any more of these. Prefer to be sold before Thursday as I shoot off on Friday and the parts will be in storage as of Thursday 5pm.

2 litre / Later GT's $280 (first set of pics) + shipping (Platinum Post - $15) SOLD
Early GT $300 (second set) + shipping (Platinum Post - $15) - SOLD


'66 Veloce Grigio Grafit
'58 Touring Spider 2000