Very Happy Camper

Started by Gotta B Red, August 03, 2012, 09:30:33 PM

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Gotta B Red

Hi Guys and Gals,
I can't get the grin off my face ..... it's like a busted watermelon .... not even a cricket bat could remove it. I'm gonna die smilin'.
I'm still a newbie but not unknown to the forum .... what's changed is I finally layed out some of the hard earneds and am now the new and 3rd owner of an Alfa GT 2004 model in Azzurro Gabbiano (693).
Couldn't help myself I had to go the "Full Monty" 3.2L Busso ..... and the man was a genius, that engine is just SWEEEEEET it just LUUUVS to rev or should I say 'Giri' it's just a symphony on wheels.

Didn't lose my licence or any points despite offering ample opportunity for such on a long journey from Melb to Bris.
The Newell Hwy is a joke, holes big enough to hide a regular semi but they're a rare animal on the Newell these days more like B doubles are the runts and B Quadruples being the norm. Roadkill everywhere, a brief excursion into the oncoming lane in front of an oncoming constable was perhaps only excused by the size of the deceased mound I avoided approx 500mm high with feasting crows. Unbelievable steering, just a joy to experience.
I think the walloper might have forgiven me for the "moment" I gave him when he too passed the mound only femto seconds afterward albeit from the safety of the other oncoming lane. He didn't do a Uuey and chase me. Thanks Officer!

I'm in love again, The Handling, The way it GOES and then some, The way it STOPS like nothin' before and it's drop dead gorgeous into the bargain.
I gave all deptartments a mild workout ... within reason as it doesn't have a Q2 yet (ordered tonight) otherwise I would have taken the long and fun way home following the coast but up and down the escarpment as many times as I could manage and factoring in the Bell's Line road to Richmond(NSW) and then the Putty road to Singleton. Basically any and all my old bike tracks from years long since passed.

Post Q2 and then it's take no prisoners, that's the preferred and only route south to attend the MotoGP and my last opportunity to see and photograph Casey Stoner at the Island in October.
Whilst waxin' about bikes this car is the closest experience I've ever had on four wheels, to the joy and exhilaration experienced on a performance motorbike, it's an uncanny similarity to me.
This little beauty just  DELIVERS  in spades, I've had my money's worth in just three days .... everything else is just a bonus.

Am I a happy camper? ...... You Betcha !!!!

Andy  :)


Cool Jesus

Its amazing how these motors can put a smile on your dial. I bet you didnt even notice thetime go by on your way home. Love the shape of these GTs.

How about some photos...
* '76 Alfetta GTAm 2.0 (project)
* '03 147 2.0 TS
*'12 159 Ti 1750 TBi
* '10 159 2.2 JTS
* '89 164 3.0
* '98 Spider 2.0 TS


Hi Andy,

I know what you mean,
I always have a grin when I drive my Spider 916 3.2 V6, ;D
Great engine with heeps of torque.
You just don't want to stop driving.
Have heaps of fun and enjoy. :)
Current :2023 Tonale Veloce
             :Alfetta GTV6 1984 3.2 24v
             :2004 916 V6 3.2 Spider (baby)
Past       :Alfetta GTV  1977
             :147 Selespeed 2002

Gotta B Red

Thanks CJ and ALFAA
I just can't get that grin off my face! .... My wife's thinking of trying the cricket bat!
It's probably there even when I'm unconscious.
I haven't taken any images yet but I'll post a couple when I do ..... I'm not a fan of mobile phone image capture as they aren't cameras .... it's an Alfa so only the best will do.
I agree completely about the torque .... usable from about 1.5 ~2.0 K and really comin' on the pipe at 3K and all that way to 7K which seems to happen in not much more than a blink.
And CJ your so right about time I didn't notice at all ..... well when it got dark I did and knew it was time to stop indulging myself .... too too many kangaroos!!


Gotta B Red

Hi All,
Some pics of the latest addition it's not pristine but in very good nick .... seems mechanically sound to my eyes and ears and has a service history. I find the clutch a little "doughy" but it's likely just me and my lack of familiarity and justifies my burning need/desire to drive it. Q2 is not fitted but on it's way.
In general terms I've discovered a greater insight into Addiction, perhaps an empathy, because when it comes to this fine piece of mechanical craftsmanship ..... I'm HOOKED well and truly.


Might need to try again with the pics Andy.

Congrats on your purchase, always nice to see the excitement of someone getting their first Alfa. Hope you're going to bring it to a local Club Night, there's one on Wednesday this week at Avanti Spare on Brisbane's Northside.

2002 156 GTA

Gotta B Red

Sorry Rory,
Not sure what I'm doing wrong,I'm a bit new to this forum/blog stuff it's actually the first forum I've ever joined.
I'll check out the help menu and see how I go.

Thanks for your kind words, but Im sorry "Excitement" is just a little of an understatement, not really sure what is an appropriate adjective. I've been a passenger in a couple of older models but never driven one before now .... and wow have I been missin' out!

I noticed on the Qld Chapters webpage that a meeting was coming up and I'd really like to attend and join up at the same time if that's possible. Is their a nomination and selection process? Or is it welcome all comers?



Yeah, there's a very stringent selection process which involves you chucking me your keys for half an hour and promising to pay any resulting speed-camera fines  ;)

Mate, anyone can join, no exclusivity here. Either contact the membership secretary (Jude Vaughan - details on the website) or rock-on up to an event and join on the day.

I'm hoping to be at the Club Night this Wednesday so might see you then.

Look forward to catching up.

2002 156 GTA

Gotta B Red

Sure Rory, as long the stringent processas is a bi-lateral arrangement I'm in.
Would the meeting be a suitable 'event' ?
I'm also looking forward to meeting your good self and others of course ....hope to see you there.

I'll try to post the pics again .... hope I've got it sussed.

Cool Jesus

Andy, you know that the Victorian aclimatised duco will now not last as long with all that Qld daylight (non daylight saving) hours  ;D
* '76 Alfetta GTAm 2.0 (project)
* '03 147 2.0 TS
*'12 159 Ti 1750 TBi
* '10 159 2.2 JTS
* '89 164 3.0
* '98 Spider 2.0 TS

Gotta B Red

Right on the Money CJ .... plays havoc with the curtains too!!
BTW just luv your Spider especially the red leather .... very sexy.
Now that I've got got it sussed .... took me a while as I'm not the sharpest chisel in the rack!
Here's a couple more pics of my new baby.


I was wondering who the lucky bugger was that picked up this beauty. I made the journey up to Bendigo to view this the week before you secured it. Unfortunately I thought I would have a contact I had used before in Bendigo do a P.P.I for me before committing. Needles to say my contact was way too slow and I missed out on a great buy. The seller seemed like a nice bloke and was clearly motivated to sell!
Great buying Andy. It's a lovely colour combination and with the Q2 should be a ripper car.
Happy motoring  8)   
Everyday wheels: Octavia RS & MGB GTV8
Ex caretaker of:
71 (S2) 1750 GTV
147 GTA
63 MGB
71 BMW 2002tii
65 Mk1 GT Cortina
72 Lotus Mk1 Escort
(Yearning for another 105 Series)