Sincere Apology

Started by Gotta B Red, August 16, 2012, 09:09:57 PM

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Gotta B Red

My sincere aplogies to any person or persons I have or may have offended in a remark or old world expression I used in a post earlier today. The expression was used in jest and with intention whatsoever to cause any offence be it personal ,racial or otherwise.
I can assure the offended and all others with absolute cetainty that I' will never use those terms again on this forum.
That said I do think the view is /was rather narrowminded and perhaps thin skinned, in my day those prior to political correctness, it was not an uncommon term for a cash register and if the term cash register is offensive or requires an expalanation then I'd suggest asking a senior citizen what it is.
While your at it, ask them if they now of any other terms by which a cash register might be described it just might be illuminating.